Tsk. Well, if it was to be done later, then it was to be done later. She couldn't do much about that. "Don't worry about it, Kushiami-san. I told you that you could refuse, did I not?" She smiles up at the samurai, before looking to the red-headed one. The wound to her eye... that, and these two seemed to have some kind of history. Old enemies...? Whatever it was, they seemed willing to leave it in the past. Oh, someone was leaving. Seemed to have been driven out by Noriaki's presence. Seemed her temper was rather short, too... But at least she had the sense not to kill the flirtatious woman for being flirtatious. Right? Tolerating that woman would be a test of mental endurance, in any case. While she was turning back to face the samurai and Miko she'd found herself in the presence, her eyes caught on Kaede's chest as she bowed. B-big... She places a hand lightly to her own chest, just a touch jealous before she discarded such a thought. If they were bigger, it would be harder to move and fight, let alone swing a sword. They'd only get in the way. The little woman watches as Kaede proceeds away, before turning to the other two. "I believe I shall wait to leave with the Princess. I haven't even introduced myself, yet."