[@Marx], overall a good character, personality was very descriptive and detailed. Though if you're accepted I'll trust that you won't actually start striking at other pcs (unless they give you permission of course). Background is tragic but nice, no major notes for that part. I was a bit iffy about the sheer number of high level skills, but most of them make sense so I'll leave them. That being said I wouldn't consider him a novice ritualist, since he stumbled upon that by accident, and hasn't had any actual practice with it. And for a generally timid seeming person who tends not to speak unless spoken to, I find it hard to see him as a story teller of much note. Not that I'm against it, but would his master be able to afford mithril- and use it for something so simple as a kitchen knife? And would he so easily gift it? Mithril is a fairly rare and expensive material.