[@dndragons] Good detail in both personality and background, I got a good feel for Liz. Regarding skills, Liz spend a large portion of her life in the slums (ages 7-15), where/when would she have had the time to learn a higher mastery of art? Art isn't the cheapest hobby to get into. You also don't explain where she learned the ability to properly treat and sew wounds- I assume no one would have trained her in such a skill while she was in the slums, and such a skill isn't one that a magic apprenticeship would teach. A very well written character and a good example of a proper standard of what CS's should look like. [@Dondude] would I be correct in assuming that Horace's general personality is the typical 'snarky rogue' with a bit of bluntness mixed in there? Not that its necessarily a bad thing, stereotypes can still be very entertaining when played well. I assume your backstory is not yet complete- as there's no mention of "Mother Hen" yet. Regarding skills, I would argue that 'intricate' shadow puppets imply the requirement for skill a lot higher than 'novice', but given their intended use, I'll let it slide. On the other hand, I'm not sure how I feel about the sound of 'blood magic'... All the same, I wouldn't consider him even a 'novice' in blood magic, as he has never actually practiced it. He [i]can[/i] be aware and interested without having skill. Regarding equipment- I'm fine with him keeping the dagger- Mithril doesn't rust, so it'd still be nice and shiny, but the state of the weapon clearly identifies it as an old weapon. Also be prepared to show how 'Mother Hen' was able to afford such a weapon- Mithril is not cheap. Is there any particular reason for the mask? and if there is, I'd like to know either on the CS, or PM if you'd like to keep it secret. Overall a good character, I look forward to reading the completed backstory. [@Vesuvius00], I've already read this character before so I know whats up. I [i]would[/i] like to know a little bit more about her family life with her brothers and parents in the backstory. Regarding skills, 'high Adept/low professional' can just be considered 'professional' for the sake of my own preferences. In the same vein, Low Adept can just be converted to Journeyman. All of these terms are relative in nature, and since she only did archery casually with her brothers, I'd even wonder if her archery skill would rank journeyman. An Anti-skill is not needed, the omission of a 'knifework' skill will imply that she doesn't know how to work with a knife. And no, her brother wouldn't count as an item, he can just be assumed as an NPC on the caravan.