[@vietmyke] Definitely. Unless they are making him feel threatened and he has a back against a wall, he's not going to lash out at them. If a character is threatening him, then it would be expected that the player is aware of the potential consequences. That being said, Askeladden is also more interested in getting as far away from his old life as possible, so he would do his best avoiding attacking another player character. The player would [b]really[/b] have to want him to attack their character. Super. I wanted to keep it as feasible as I could for the life of a slave. It could use some work on the writing though which is admittedly a bit poor. Instead of novice ritualist, would he be, say, an untrained or sub-novice ritualist? He has a vague understanding of what he's capable of and has discovered some aspects of his magic such as the freshness and type of blood having to do with the potency, the method of writing influencing the duration, and the power/duration relating to how hard the 'hangover' is. If need be, I can just cut the magic portion of Askeladden given the large amount of magic users in the applicant pool. I've bumped down Storytelling from Adept to Novice and mentioned how he's gotten good at remembering stories he's head, but struggles with the act of telling them. The tavern has been a fairly successful business and the the slaves are expected to live on the scraps, the master being a penny pincher when it comes to the quality of life for his slaves. I thought about the mithril knife and figured that it would be a reasonable purchase for the master, the food of the tavern being one of the big selling points. A finely weighted knife with a particularly sharp and durable blade would do wonders in how quickly Askeladden can butcher game brought in by hunters, allowing them to take in more. It's something that would be seen as an investment and it was less a gift to Askeladden and more a gift from the master to his business. The knife was never meant to leave the kitchen and the master was fully confident that he would have Askeladden under his thumb for the rest of his life. The only act of aggression Askeladden had ever shown against him was at the very end when he, likely, beat him to death in the dead of night. Buying a knife of such a high quality is an investment to his business. All that being said, if you want I can nix it.