[quote=@SimplyJohn] Are the only options Jedi or Sith? Would you be willing to have a 'neutral' party like a Mandalorian in the mix as well? Or a droid? What's your opinion of having a 'provocateur' in the mix, someone actively working against the others to undermine their efforts while at the same time trying to protect their own cover as a spy? [/quote] Yes, the only options are Jedi and Sith since the main aspect of the Rp are to explore both the differences and similarity between the two when it comes to the Force, methods to completing their goals, and more. Most movies and other media make Sith out to be completely evil for no reason or Jedi as usually passive, a fact we wanted to change up and morph through how Players chose to play it out. Also a point to consider is your PC's goal, just because they are with a group doesn't mean loyalty. It just could be a way to complete their lifetime goal or gain something. What story they want to tell and if the PC survive long enough to tell them. It's slight difficult to do this with non Force sensitive individuals, including working them in future aspects of the story, so best you could have is a Sith or Jedi with machine parts. As for the 'provocateur' idea, if you're willing to work with a force user for this, I think it's possible. Hard but possible, and would be interesting to watch him cover his tracks namely with the mischief that the GMs and other veterans will have plotted. Namely depending on the group, it could cause some serious fun though we would need to see a CS to see if the PC works well, else we'll help edit it to where it works. [quote=@KabenSaal] Or though, thinking about it, my character might be a bit overpowered for this. She is rather, good at all things Force. [/quote] We have all types though combat is a minor part. I will add we have a list of Force Powers to help prevent Powers that could be considered difficult to manage and balance rp wise. It's mainly to make things less hassle for the GMs and power search easier for the players, including a small descriptions. The era is currently war time so it's natural the Jedi and Sith will all have some sort of offensive ability for combat. [quote=@Sep] The likes of Mandalorians are ruled out. I can say that much. [/quote] Yeah they are out as Sep said.