[u][b]Rider[/b][/u] [hider=Rider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/C3SZ5Lf.jpg[/img] [b]Spirit[/b]: Ravana [b]Master[/b]: - [center][u][b]Parameters[/b][/u][/center] [i]Strength:[/i] B [i]Endurance:[/i] B [i]Agility:[/i] A [i]Mana:[/i] A [i]Luck:[/i] D [i]Noble Phantasm:[/i] D [center][u][b]Class Skills[/b][/u][/center] [i]Riding: A+[/i] Even Phantasmal Beasts and whatnot can be used as mounts, no dragons though. [i]Magic Resistance: C[/i] Cancels spells with a chant below three verses. Fought and killed some of the greatest users of magic without a scratch, from humans to (non-True) demons to gods. Still just C rank because Karna [s]even though he totally did more of this than Karna[/s]. Oh well. [center][u][b]Personal Skills:[/b][/u][/center] [i]Mantra: A[/i] Can cast mantras at one-tenth the speed. Covers talent to actualize mysteries of ancient India. Ravana is a BC magus of the highest ability, to the point where he could be called the greatest magus in all of Hinduism. Possesses knowledge of any and all mantras and mysteries of Hinduism; whether human, demonic(Rakshasa), or divine, all can be actualized; however, the transcendent mantras known as "astras" are no longer actualizable in the modern day from this ability alone. [i]Memory Partition(False): -[/i] A status of having ten heads. Not a trait Ravana truly possessed, but rather a distortion caused by perception, comparable in nature to Innocent Monster. In Hinduism, unusual traits are meant to express metaphorical capacities that language had difficulty expressing succinctly at the time. One with a glowing head or multiple heads would be incredibly skilled mentally, one with multiple arms would be incredibly strong, etc. Ravana’s iconic ten heads are thus meant to be a metaphoric representation of his magical skill, intellect, and knowledge of the holy books. However, historical distortion through most individuals who hear of him believing that he truly possessed ten heads has caused this alteration. The statement “Ravana has ten heads” has become mingled with the Heroic Spirit Ravana in this way. As in life, Ravana only possesses one head, but he is now treated as having ten partitions within his mind. Rather than the patented Memory Partition of Atlas, whose partitions work synergistically towards one goal, this partitioning is more akin to having “ten minds which do not interfere with one another”. [i]Rakshasa: B[/i] Status as being a member of the phantasmal kind, namely the Rakshasa. A half-Rakshasa with high-tier eugenics behind his birth. Grants the benefits of being a Rakshasa in the mythology group of India, as well as abilities inherent to phantasmal beasts. However, he can not use this to effect nature interference in the same way that the Phantasm Races do. [center][u][b]Noble Phantasms:[/b][/u][/center] Name: Pushpaka Vimana Rank: D NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 2-60 Maximum Number of Targets: 500 Description: Crafted by a divine architect to be a mansion-chariot for the great Creator, gifted to the god of wealth, and stolen by Ravana to be made into his iconic chariot. A "UFO" which travels at the speed of thought, surpassing the laws of physics, and can do such things as flying in zigzag formation without difficulty, and deploy its wings to increase its speed. Possesses capabilities for an optic camouflage, surveillance/stealth functions, and communication interception. The offensive capabilities of the vimana include machine guns, laser beams, and a vibration of the air meant to tear the enemy to shreds. A nuclear weapon equivalent is however not possessed on this model. Its charge is also appreciable, being able to cut through several million tons of bedrock like butter. The vimana interior is a functional mansion of larger size than the outside would imply, containing everything one would need to live comfortably, as well as backup materials such as extra machine gun bullets. The interior of the vimana and those are in seats on the vimana are unaffected by its motion, for instance internal organs rupturing or pots and pans flying out of their shelves whenever it makes an impossible turn will not happen. Like a certain pirate's ship, certain parts of the vimana may be detached and summoned. Name: Ten Millennial Tapaysa Rank: - NP Type: Anti-Unit(Self) Range: 0 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: A blessing given by the Creator, Brahma, in return for penance. Conditions unique to Ravana's existence, and the reason he became capable of being called the strongest human in all of Hinduism. Much like the Noble Phantasm “God Hand,” this operates on two parts: a conceptual ignoring of certain interferences, and a restoration method for when interference does inflict damage. The former takes the form of supremacy over non-humans, making the user’s body itself into a conceptual space under which this rule applies. This applies to beings not of a human existence, from magus familiars and illusory demons to Phantasm Races and vampiric entities to even Divine Spirits. Whether a physical attack, a conceptual attack, status effects, or any form of offensive action or antagonistic/unwanted interference, it will inherently ignored should it be from such beings. Existences such as Servants, being ultimately "human," can inflict interference, but not if the conduit for doing so is a non-human existence, for instance the charge of a Pegasus. The second part of this Noble Phantasm is a condition of false immortality. Rider's Spiritual Core is treated as nodeless, and any injuries sustained will be immediately healed, even the strike of a barbed spear or chi-disrupting attacks, as the certain-death Nagaastra would have failed against him. However, the greater the injury, the greater the cost to heal. Unhealable damage can still be inflicted through attacks built to scar immortals, such as the Refraction of Longevity. And, of course, there will be nothing to heal if Ravana is fully destroyed in one go. [/hider] [b][u]Master[/u][/b] [hider=Master] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GhKnyKA.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Carly-Beth [s][b]Title:[/b] Totally Not From Goosebumps Don't Judge Me[/s] [b]Age:[/b] 2 [b]Background:[/b] The eleventh Carly-Beth designation homunculus created by the Toucan family of magi. Or rather, she is not created by the Toucan family, but rather owned and programmed by them; the production itself and her maker are attended to by a line of Atlas alchemists that the family is a friend of. Thus, each iteration of this homunculus designation has been taught the magecraft of the Toucan family. As the current family head is an incompetent, he chose to dispatch Carly-Beth to a pointless Grail War that the family has little interest in beyond "seeing if we can get new cool masks out of it", despite the fact that, strictly speaking, she is a far better magus than said family head could ever be. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Toucan Family. They don't really care about the cup, they just want new masks. [b]Traits: [/b] [i]Homunculus:[/i] Is a homunculus specced for a balance between magecraft and combat abilities. The creator was first-rate, so she is a solid model. [i]General Magecraft:[/i] Basic Bounded Field Creation, fixing glass, and so on. Things any non-failure of a magus should know. [i]Spiritual Evocation:[/i] Good old spirit stuff. [i]Body Engineering:[/i] Not centered around the enhancement of beings, but rather around the meshing of beings. Not used by the Toucans for creation of beings such as chimera, but rather for their masks. [i]Black Magic:[/i] The arts of cursing and witchcraft. [i]Cursed Masks:[/i] High-level Mystic Codes which are the focus of the Toucan family magecraft. These can be called "the only thing that family actually does." These are created through a combination of Body Engineering and Spiritual Evocation. A newly-made cursed mask is a blank slate, a featureless white mask; upon being "worn" by something, it molds itself to the likeness of what it was worn by, and binds a copied wraith of that being to the mask. Once this is done, the mask can be removed and is considered to be "complete". Completed masks are treated as familiars, capable of floating through the air and moving according to the will of Carly-Beth or, if desired, a will congruent with that of the wraith, like a puppet with a preprogrammed AI. The masks are also capable of utilizing abilities born from what they have copied (with limitations by virtue of what they are). However, the true ability of the mask does not show itself until it is worn. When a complete mask is put onto someone who is not the "imprinted individual", the mask will meld with their body and a phenomenon similar to Self-Possession will occur; by having the mask on them they have implicitly granted permission to the spirit within to take such action. The original individual will be melded with the being of the mask, the two's will imprinted over one another and the abilities of both being shared. Further, the mask itself will work to prevent damage to the wearer that may be sustained as a result of this process, meaning that the odds of rejection/overload become significantly lower than they would be otherwise. The case of Carly-Beth having the ultimate control however, does not change. [i]Toucan Martial Arts:[/i] A fighting style best described as a "gimmick" turned real. It adopts the principles of real combat styles such as Krav, however it prides itself on being ridiculous. If the enemy thinks that a rational fighter would do X, then a Toucan practicioner will to anything but X. This would seem to be idiotic, but the Toucan style is one which "polishes impracticality until it stands on par with practicality". Rather than refining logical moves, they use logical combat styles and logical predictions to make illogical moves as viable as logical ones. An eccentric fighting style that says a lot about the personality of its users. [b]Equipment:[/b] Curse Masks: Twenty Blank (five with installed Circuits), two Carly-Beth, one Monstrous Beast Chimera, one Random Homeless Person, one Shinji Matou, one Biggie Smalls, one Jet Li (with body), one Benedict Cumberbatch, one Kanye West, one Some Ten-Year Old Girl, one Some Kuudere Fire Magus/Spiritual Surgeon (with Circuits installed). Knife(possessed), crate of marbles(possessed), crate of cat corpses(preserved). [/hider]