[center][u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BACrI8a.jpg?1[/img] Jericho is an attractive, youthful-looking man. He is not the largest, standing at around 5'7,” but he was born with an athletic body that has only grown stronger over the years. Jericho is nimble and coordinated with his greatest strength lying in his speed and quickness. He is naturally fair-skinned, but hundred of hours in the sun throughout his life has tanned him to an almond color. He has deep brown eyes and high, pronounced cheekbones. Because of an injury that never fully healed, Jericho's nose is slightly crooked, turning towards his left ear and back to the middle just where his nasolabial crease meets his nostrils. His buckskin-colored hair is shaved short on the sides and left long on the top, resulting in a messy pseudo-mohawk and suggesting a negligence from a child too concerned with other things to worry about his appearance. Like many other youths working in the streets, Jericho has noticeable tattoos and piercings. In his left ear hang three thin, worn bronze rings, poorly shaped and hastily incorporated into his upper cartilage just above a thicker, golden ring that sparks the lust of many thieves and cutthroats. In his right ear is a simple chain earring that hangs down into a feather, representing his god, The Architect, lifting him up as if he could fly on his faith. From his right hand halfway into his right breast, Jericho's tattoos reflect intricately worked patterns in black, featuring two main images. The first is on his shoulder: a bright red rose with silver petals, his adoptive families names on each of the petals in charcoal colored script. The other is on his bicep: a beautiful mermaid that can be found on many other aspiring pirates. [u][b]Name/Nickname:[/b][/u] Jericho Dreaver [u][b]Quote:[/b][/u] “My God and Brothers over Me.” [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] On the surface, Jericho is jovial and always joking. He is genuinely filled with joy; however, his charisma and humor do not always reflect his inner thoughts. Though very confident and happy with himself for most of his life, he cannot fight his own mind which is constantly introspective. This conflict stems from the two biggest callings in his life: his devotion to The Church of the Architect and his earthly ambitions. Raised to center every aspect of his life and personality around his faith in The Architect, Jericho, like many other youths, often fill their days with more pragmatic efforts. He is influenced by his adoptive parents and brothers and sisters in his faith to stay true to his beliefs and values but simultaneously led astray by his friends in the streets and senior members of pirate gangs that rule many neighborhoods in the Free Cities. Jericho's internal conflict is accentuated by the fact that he is valued by both groups of people in his life. His passion and intelligence would make him an excellent priest or teacher for the Church, and his leadership causes others to look to him for inspiration and guidance. These personal strengths work in similar ways in his street gang life. In the constant warfare between troubled youths, Jericho's passion and intelligence is paired with his lithe, athletic body. His charisma has always helped him to stir up a following, especially among the misguided youth that constitute his friends. Both groups see Jericho as one fully devoted to their own world, pulling him apart between vastly different responsibilities. In any aspect of his life, Jericho strongly values brotherhood and friendship. He doesn't feel whole unless he is surrounded by others. He feels supreme joy when working together with others for a greater cause, and loves to view himself within the bonds of a tightly-knit group. He makes sure to embed himself firmly in the middle of any social group he decides to be a part of, building individual relationships with every single person to make sure that he is never alienated or outcast. This sense of brotherhood for Jericho is stronger in no other relationship than the one with his late adoptive brother, Strom Stormgaard. A large man with a not-so-large intelligence level, Strom is fiercely loyal to Jericho, and has always worked hard to make sure that he is always the closest person to his adopted brother. Jericho loves his brother, and, although younger and smaller, he has always known that he is Strom's biggest role model. Because of this he is often condescending to his brother, holding himself to the highest standard and trying to model him after himself. With the same sense of humor, passtimes, and conflict over faith and life, he has clearly succeeded. Strom's death is the hardest challenge that Jericho has ever faced, and the internal storm of guilt and longing threatens never to cease. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Jericho's parents, peasants who worked the land in the Vomaric Imperium, wanted more for their firstborn child, so they, along with a few other peasant families, plotted to escape these lands for a life away from oppression. When word of this planned escape reached the noble who owned the lands, a small army was raised to beat the conspiring defectors back into compliance. Before the noble's plan could come to fruition, the Dreavers, along with their closest and most-trusted friends, another family with a young boy called the Stormgaards, fled eastward in the middle of the night. Through they didn't even stop to gather more than a couple bags full of their belongings, it wasn't too long before they were run down by a score of the noble's warriors on horseback. To save their son and their friends, both of Jericho's parents stalled the warriors, allowing the Stormgaards to escape with their child, but resulting in their death and the orphaning of baby Jericho. The Stormgaards immediately decided to adopt Jericho into their family, and eventually the new family of four reached one of the city-states formerly of the Qalini Magocracy and now part of what was known as the Free Cities. The Stormgaards worked hard to make a life for their two boys, but this new world had its own challenges. The oppression of the Imperium's aristocracy was replaced by piracy, thugs, and gang violence all throughout the streets. A good and honest family, the Stormgaards avoided these troubles, and became well-respected members of their neighborhood and of their church – the Stormgaards immediately found a group of fellow followers of The Architect, something that was much more difficult in the Free Cities than in the Imperium. Both Jericho, and the Stormgaards' biological son, Strom, were raised in the church to be devout followers of The Architect who created the whole world and everyone inhabiting it. Though the two boys grew up to be important members of the congregation, they were also tempted by the lucrative life promised by various thugs and senior gang members on the streets. Both Jericho and Strom made various friends and connections in the streets. What started as innocent children playing different sports in the streets soon became innocent children unassumingly running drugs or working other missions for people in the street gangs. This inevitably led to more sinister activities, with all of the now-teenagers learning to fight or move illicit drugs or even rob and kidnap. Jericho and Strom never took part in any of the harsher, more dangerous activities like some of their friends, as their relationships with The Architect and their partial obedience to their parents held them back. They were, however, often tempted into things like smoking some of the hallucinogenic herbs or participating in some of the gang violence connected to the rivalry between different pirate lords. Both boys used their different strengths, Jericho's speed and agility and Strom's brute strength, to become respected thugs, working their way up the ranks into more and more respected positions. Jericho built up a strong following amongst the other misguided youths, though he was always plagued by guilt. Through Strom was similarly conflicted, he was much less introspective, often accepting anything the way it was as long as the person he trusted most, Jericho, told him how it was supposed to be. Before he was 19, Jericho's crew was widely feared among the streets. From Strom to the twin Cameron and Christian Brideson, the deadshot Yann Miru, Sun the polearm-weilding monkey, the little thief Jory Rabbitfingers, the monstrous badger warrior Noren, and the beautiful but dangerous Lyanna, the youths ran their tiny little chunk of their city with both deadly skill and a strict moral code imposed by their leader, Jericho. Their dominance was so complete, they became over-confident. When Jory was attacked and robbed by a notoriously underhanded gang of mapepo, his crew immediately looked to take retribution and make a statement. They knew how to put smaller gangs in their place, but what they didn't realize was that a deeper issue was at stake. The small gang of ratmen was only the bait; laying behind the trap were no less than five other groups that had conspired to bring down the ruling crew. When Jericho and his friends went to war, they were slaughtered, only Jericho, Noren and Cameron escaping alive, all three heavily injured. The coming weeks would see Noren pass away from his injuries and Cameron losing his battle with depression and taking his own life. Jericho had made one simple mistake, and, because of it, he had lost everything. Death is a curious thing with regards to faith. Many times a death will bring family and friends closer together and closer to their god or gods. Grief and pain are channeled into positive, passionate thoughts to escape from the depressing sorrow that lies underneath. People fill their time with things to take their minds off of the loss that they have experienced, and religion can be ideal in filling this gap. This was not so for Jericho. Spiraling into guilt and depression, the young boy felt completely lost. He completely disconnected from everything he knew, not knowing how to face either his parents or the others at his church. His relationship with The Architect was completely lost, for Jericho blamed his god for what had happened almost as much as he blamed himself. With nothing remaining from his previous prosperity, Jericho ran away from the place that had been his home for nearly his entire life. This escape closely mirrored that of his parents; however, his parents were leaving to escape their demons while Jericho was taking his with him. With no direction in the world, Jericho figured that he would move to Highwinter and try to find work with The Iron Mountain Adventuring Company. He didn't trust himself to lead any longer, and he didn't have anyone that he cared about left anyway. He decided to subordinate himself to something larger and new, working towards something, though he didn't know what. With the religious faith and the gang life that had characterized every aspect of his previous life lost to him, the young man, still in his early twenties, looked to salvage the wreckage he perceived his life to be. [b][u]Martial Skills:[/u][/b] -Swashbuckler-style Swordfighting: Jericho's quick, nimble body is perfect for this quick and daring, parry-riposte fighting. He combines quick, intricate footwork with precise lunges and slashes. He darts in and out of battle, even with a small space, utilizing his entire surrounding area. Taking his time - surprisingly disciplined underneath a flamboyant facade - Jericho's sudden panache and courage in his killing strike is rarely anticipated by his opponents. -Armguard: Jericho wears a sturdy, hardleather guard on his left hand, useful for parrying strikes. Because he doesn't use an actual shield, Jericho makes sure not to ever be forced to block any blows outright, instead making sure to dodge or partially dodge any attacks, deflecting any glancing blows to prevent any small amount of damage. [b][u]Passive Skills:[/u][/b] -Charisma: Jericho's warm, extroverted personality pairs with his natural tendency to lead. Often underestimated because of his age and appearance, Jericho's clear, powerful voice has won many people over during his lifetime. -Memory: Jericho has an affinity for memorizing things, often directly quoting jokes he has heard or inspiration from books about his god, The Architect. [b][u]Magic Skills:[/u][/b] N/A [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] -Sabine (cutlass): Because of his swashbuckling style of fighting, Jericho prefers to use either the sabre or the cutlass – utilizing both stabbing and slashing techniques. This is his favorite weapon, Sabine. She has aided him well in the close-quarters, alleyway combat of his youth, being shorter than a sabre. Her heavy, metal guard often proves vital in the protection of Jericho's skilled, delicate fingers. One the blade, just above the hilt is inscribed the word 'fraternity,' reflecting the value Jericho places in brotherhood. -Set of Small Daggers concealed in his boots and hanging openly on his belt -Book of The Church of the Architect [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] N/A[/center] Let me know if there are any problems or issues, I will be more than happy to fix them!