[h2]Sindri Holt[/h2] [h3][b]Sunday, [u]all day[/u]:[/b][/h3] Sindri arrived on Sunday. Most of the day was spent getting used to the rooms and figuring out his daily schedule. [hider=Schedule] 0 - Home Ec 1 - French 1 2 - PE 3 - Maths 1 4 - Science 1 5 - English 1 6 - Homeroom 7 - Art & Design 8 - Track 9 - Horticulture [/hider] Sunday had been a fairly dull day, with Sindri moving in and getting his room assignment. He’d taken a quick tour of the school on his own, getting used to where things were so that he didn’t get lost on his first day. It was a bit of time before he finally found his way to the library. It was good to go there, and with any luck he’d find some reading material he could pick up for leisure reading. Maybe something classical. Or not. Sindri had a liking for the “classics”. He entered the library and went to see what he could see, making sure to browse section by section to see where some of the more classic books were. It didn’t take terribly long for him to find the section, thankfully as a result of him remembering a tiny bit of the Dewey Decimal system. He began to browse, already thinking on what kinds of books he would want to check out. And if he could even check them out today, since it wasn’t really the first day of school. “Hello. I’m Amy Snow. You must be new I don’t recognize you.” She smiled and offered a hand for a him to shake. He’d almost found the author he wanted to find before a voice did indeed startle him. He instinctively felt time bend a liiiiittle, slowing as he panicked before reasserting normalcy after a moment. “Oh, um, hi! I’m Sindri Holt, and yeah, I just got here. Was hoping to find some good novels to read in the free time.” He responded simply, reaching out and taking her hand, shaking it gently. “Ah, maybe I can help you Sindri. I spend entirely too much time in here. Do you have a particular genre you like?” “I was hoping to actually find some novels by Ian Fleming. I think he’d be around here somewhere. Possibly. Hopefully I remember at least a little about the Dewey Decimal system.” “You’re right.” Amy smiled, and then lead the way to a shelf not far from where she had been putting away books. “Here you go.” Sindri nodded, glad that he did indeed remember enough to know about where to look. “Oh, neat. Thanks Amy.” he said, somewhat cheerful as he browsed momentarily over the books that were there. “Do you have any books you’d recommend?” He asked with a small grin. Maybe he’d find a new author or something. “I’ve got about a million, but have you heard of Robert A. Heinlein?” “Not familiar with the name, but if you think he’s worth a look, I’ll pick up a book or two while I’m here. Can’t have too much to read, I think.” “Never.” Amy grinned. “His work is a huge deal in the Science Fiction sector. There’s a few books that are similar to Mr. Fleming’s, but they are futuristic. My favorite is about a human raised by martians.” “Now that is an interesting idea. I definitely need to take a look at that now.” Sindri replied, already picking up two books by Fleming. He looked around momentarily before nodding. “Heinlein should be… over here?” He asked no one in particular, wandering over towards the “H” section for authors. Amy reached and pulled a book off the shelf without even looking. “Here, this one is [i]Stranger in a Strange Land[/i].” She handed it to Sindri. “You really must spend too much time here if you can find it without even looking.” Sindri teased playfully, taking the book. “I’m here during almost all of my free time.” Amy grinned. “Well then, I think I know who to find if I need to locate some dusty old book from the far corners of the known Library.” Sindri said. “I think this will be a good start on the reading front for my free time. I don’t know what the work’s like here yet. Suppose I’ll find out tomorrow, eh?” He added. “It’s a pretty good load. I think the teachers discus when they plan on having tests though so they aren’t too many at once. You wouldn’t guess that from the way some people complain though.” Amy sighed. “If you have any questions feel free to ask me though. I’m not hard to find, and I’m willing to tutor anything but French.” Sindri nodded. “That’s good to know. We’ll see how I manage to do, I suppose, but thank you for the offer. I’m sure I’ll find something I can use a hand with.” he replied. “I suppose I should go check these out then. Was nice to meet you, Amy.” “Nice to meet you as well. See you around Sindri.” Sindri smiled and gave a wave to Amy, then went to check out the books, pleased to have some new reading material. [h3][b] Monday, [u]6:00-6:30 AM[/u]:[/b][/h3] Sindri spent five minutes when he woke up simply staring at the clock, making sure that he was in correct time with the rest of the universe. His daily ritual was undisturbed and it helped keep him on track and in control of himself. After that, he took a fairly quick shower before getting his uniform on, making sure it was properly straightened. A quick check reminded him to put on his watch before he left. By quarter-after six, he was heading down to get some food, ready to start his first day of high school. He had his apprehensions, sure, since he knew exactly one person at the school now, but he didn't let that bother him. Once he got comfortable with his schedule, he would surely find some time to go meet people, and that was assuming that he somehow managed to not meet anyone in his classes or clubs, which he found unlikely at best. He found his way to the breakfast hall, and went to pick up some food for himself. The food didn't seem like the most amazing thing that had ever been given as food, but at least the veggies looked pretty fresh, which was a definite bonus for him. He took a few moments to look across the hall, wondering where he could sit. It was a matter of trying to not make other people terribly uncomfortable. Shrugging to himself after a bit, he went outside to enjoy the morning weather. Sure, it was on the chill side of brisk, but he liked that. It was good running weather, a thing he would remember so that he could go on a nice morning jog on some days. He found a seat and simply began to eat, finding the meal to be decent overall. He'd survive eating this food for a school year, at any rate. While he was able to relax a bit, he decided to take a look around and see if there was anyone else outside in the cool weather. Maybe it was just him. Maybe not. [hr] [h2]Glen Kerr[/h2] [b]Sunday, [u]all day[/u]:[/b] Glen got to school fairly late, missing the original speech, but he managed to get his room assignment and schedule before going to unpack and get his place ready. It was a nice and quiet night for him, and he managed to get in a brief exchange with his roommate to get to know them before he went to sleep. [b] Monday, [u]6:10-6:30 AM[/u]:[/b] Morning came entirely too early for Glen, but he managed to drag himself out of bed just in time to quickly get himself together and go to class. He knew the buildings somewhat well enough to realize where the rooms he'd need to go to were, so that was good. As he entered the main halls, he glanced along the mirrors he passed. After a few, he paused, furrowing his brow and staring intently at his reflection for a few moments before shaking his head a bit. “Jitters...” He mumbled to himself, continuing to go to get food. He picked up the food without even seeming to think about it before going to sit with a few classmates he'd had in the previous year. It was easy to catch up a little bit and find out what everyone had been up to for the summer. He looked over his schedule again, and nodded. Music once more. He'd been in it last year, and appeared to have no intention of stopping. Maybe because sports weren't really his thing? Eh, didn't matter. It was nice to be able to make copious amounts of noise without repercussions sometimes.