[@Lotta Pumpkins][@RyanTadashi] Both looking good from some casual glances so far! If I find anything a miss I will inform you! [center][h3][b]Update[/b][/h3][/center] [center] To those still crafting your CSs please take your time and please not feel rushed. To those that are done and dwelling about I have a few questions that I shall shoot out at this moment. Just an informal thing at the moment to gauge some things. It also gives us a chance to maybe get to know one another all a little better. You are in no way shape or form obligated to answer but if you do I would appreciate it![/center] [list] [*] Would you prefer for the party to already been grouped together for some time or more recently acquainted? [*] Do you often putter about in the OCC of the Rps you are in, or would you prefer if I set up an IRC client? [*] Your current Time Zone. [*] How active can see yourself in the coming future in regards to this RP? [*] What you believe to be the perfect ratio of action to plot development [*] Your comfortable average post length at the advance level. [*] Your Favorite Movie [*] Your Favorite Book [/list]