"Well I've decided you're either too stupid to be a threat or too trusting..." He rubbed his arms of dust and looked right at her again before continuing "...that and a blind man doesn't really need a rifle now does he." He was half telling the truth. He would get his sight back soon enough, he just needed to rest first. He checked his pockets and bit his lip as he felt up to his back. "as for the bandage idea, probably not a bad idea. You hurt bad?" he asked with his head to one side. He had an empty holster he kept tracing his finger over almost like a cowboy yearning for his side arm. It was just his habit now, being armed was a second nature and Jaden had grown attached to his side arm. Sure rifles were damned effective but pistols had an odd elegance for him. It was rather a strange love for an old soldier turned mercenary but he was still human after all. No amount of training could burn that away. Well, unless you were a marauder or worse... He looked around for a moment when she spoke of the other towns. It was clear by his expression that he didn't like that idea. "the nearest Raider station was 83 miles from here. Most of the towns north east of here are Purity holdouts now and I'm no fan of Militant holds either..." Jaded was not a fan of anyone who claimed themselves a power of the world anymore. He'd seen what that power brought and he was no fan of it. Even he had to admit the irony of the fact he now too their supplies and money to do their dirty work though. The only difference being he had the choice to turn it down now instead of being forced to do their dirty laundry for them like his soul was some god dam joke. He was done playing toy soldier in this piece of crap world. Bitter memories all of them, things he would sooner forget but knew were better remembered. He wouldn't remember them now though, this was not one of those times. "well Naomi. Ladies first..." It was not sure if he was being sarcastic or not due to his lack of sight but there was certainly a hidden cheek beneath the words as he smirked with a fake bow, hand held out for her to guide him.