I do not have a preference about the group; my story and character totally works either way! I am also fine either either form chattin, but I feel like the OOC is an awesome section on this site that I haven't seen a lot of other places I'm Pacific Time Zone, but I travel between California, New York, and Switzerland, so I'm all over the place! I also rarely sleep, so time has no constraints on this man. For all the roleplays I have been part of in the past, I try to post about as much as everybody else, so I am not left behind but I also try not to overpower everybody else. I am a huge plot guy (I'm an aspiring novelist). Definitely into action as well though, but my focus is usually on fleshing out my characters and developing their strengths and especially their weaknesses and inner conflicts. I would like to write more than one or two paragraphs for sure, and I am definitely comfortable with anything as high as 10 or 15 paragraphs. My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction (and anything else by Tarantino), but I also love Pitch Perfect... I am a huge fan of all of R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms books, but I have recently discovered Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy and The Black Prism which are absolutely amazing!