[color=8882be][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] 17 [color=8882be][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] Female [u][b][color=8882be]Nationality[/color][/b][/u] En Francais [color=8882be][u][b]Vassel of Arduinna[/b][/u][/color] Gallic: Goddess of the Forest and the Hunt [u][b][color=8882be]Equipment[/color][/b][/u] Always has a few knives on hand, and a silenced pistol.  However in at the convent she takes residency in, she has an arsenal full of the tools of an assassin.  They are hidden in the gardens. [u][b][color=8882be]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] -Chameleon: Not invisibility, however Claire has this strange ability to blend into her surroundings. It doesn't require her to change her appearance.  It just simply... happens [color=8882be][i]-Presence Canceling:[/i][/color]  Claire can conceal her presence.  Cancelling her breath, footsteps, body heat.  She can still be seen with this ability, but that would be the only way to tell she is nearby. [color=8882be][i]-Marksman:[/i][/color]  Blessed by the Goddess of the Hunt, Claire is perhaps the best marksman in the world.  She can account for wind speed, movement speed, and trajectory with minimal thought required.  She will only miss when something does not follow the norm. (i.e. target has speed and can dodge in time, suddenly being attacked by the time she strikes.) [i][color=8493ca]-Sensory Augmentation:[/color][/i] Claire has heightened senses, allowing her to scan her surroundings, and an increased reaction speed. [i][color=8882be]-Superhuman Speed:[/color][/i]  Claire is far more agile and flexible than the average human, allowing for quick getaways, and dodges.  She also has slightly boosted strength, but it is one that is possible to obtain naturally. [i][color=8882be]-Favor of the Forest:[/color][/i]  Allows for plant manipulation, minor earth control, and an affiliation for animals. [color=8882be][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] On the surface, Claire appears to be a normal girl.  She is a good student, and attends Church regularly, as is mandated by the Convent that has taken her in. She attends to her duties there, after study hours of the convent.  She is a fine student and a hard worker.  She is friendly enough.  But underneath is a broken girl.  One who longs for vengeance.  She is a political assassin, and an anarchist.  She cares for little else in the world, save another young orphan in the Convent. [u][b][color=8882be]History[/color][/b][/u] "Guilty." The word still resonates in her head, shortly followed by the judges gavel pounding out the sentence.  That was the moment that started it all. It all started years before now.  She was a privileged child.  Her father was a politically active man.  Her mother was a frail woman, who could not take much stress.  However they were a fine family.  Her father often held parties, and she was shown off to the mass of rich folk and politicians.  However, at one such party, tragedy struck.  One of the help was discovered dead in one of the bedrooms.  Due to his sudden disappearance, during the party before the body was discovered, he was one of the prime suspects.  Later, it was discovered that he was having an affair with the women.  This only raised suspicion of his guilt. The ruling passed, and he was sentenced to life in prison.  Well he would have none of that.  He killed himself only six months into his sentence.  At that point his wife lost her mind.  She believed he was still alive.  She was sent to a Clinic to be cared for.  Just like that, her family had collapsed.  She ran, before she could be taken into custody.  It was then that she was blessed by the presence of a God.  She promised the young girl the power to seek revenge, if, and only, she would fight for her when the time should arise.  She was only 10 at the time. All records of her existence had disappeared.  She was given a new name: Claire Blanc, and taken in by the Convent. She had done little with the power given to her until 4 years after.  She had discovered that the judge that had given her father the sentence.  She did not care whether his father was innocent or not.  She wanted the man who destroyed her family dead.  That was the first time she had killed a man.  She discovered that he was bribed to give the sentence.  By a rival politician, no less.  She shot him.  A few drops littered her face.  But she did not care.  This government was corrupt, and evil.  She was the one to cleanse it completely. [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/5zwUpsa.jpg[/img][/hider] I have an inspector and the aforementioned orphan in the workings