I suppose I lean towards the party not knowing each other yet, but thats only a 55-45 split. My pair can work either way. I usually muck about in the OOC, at least lurking. I live in Arizona, so half the year is pacific, other half is mountain time. I can be pretty active, if something comes up that will limit activity, I'll make it known beforehand. I don't mind action or plot, either is fine. My standard post length is a couple of paragraphs. There will be times where I won't be able to get a lot down, or if there is heavy conversation going on where that will be the majority of the posts to try and keep the conversation moving. Favorite movie? I like Ghostbusters a lot. Maybe Army of darkness. Princess bride comes to mind as pretty great. Favorite book, I liked the Barteameus trilogy a lot, ASOIAF is pretty good.