[center]Name: Xuě Jin Chu Age: 17 Race: Human Appearance: Xue has a lean athletic build with no majorly defined muscle groups showing as he mostly lean muscle over bulk. Even though he is lean his muscles do show to a point as there just is not enough body fat to cover them up which is also the reason he has a six pack without much trying. He has snow white hair which is cut short on the sides with some length on the top to allow it to be manageable as when he started to grow it out it will become curly and messy. He has dark grey tired looking eyes which can often be mistaken for blue shaded eyes. Xue enjoyed wearing white tank tops with a blue trim around the edges paired with grey cargo pants with three pockets running down either side of his pants along with black combat boots to finish out his look. -Height: 5" 7' -Weight: 163 lbs Color: Snow White Personality: Xue is a cheerful person who enjoys other people's company and has a bad habit of trying to hard to impress girls. He has a disillusioned vision of what it is to be a huntsmen and believes that once he becomes a hunter he will gain glory and fame by traveling around destroying Grimm when they attack. Weapon: Blizzard's Fury- Xuě's weapon is a two-sided scythe attached to a five foot staff. Each blade faces the other way away from each other and are able to fold into the staff portion of the weapon so that when not in use his weapon is just a staff that can be held on his back. Located at both ends of the staff is a container where small vials of dust can be stored to either supplement the blades of the scythe or can be fired as a projectile. Semblance: Xue is able to control the effects of gravity on objects or people within a two foot radius of his person. He can use his semblance on himself to reduce the pull of gravity allowing him to move faster or on his opponents to slow them down due to the increased gravity on their bodies. Backstory: Xue Jin Chu is the first hunter from his family in three generations. Xue was raised in the Kingdom of Vale where he always heard stories of huntsmen and huntresses growing up which gave him an imagination for fantastic adventures and battles. His family did not approve of the dangerous profession at first and discouraged it whenever he brought it up. Over several years of nagging and pestering, they finally gave in to Xue and he was allowed to attend Signal Academy where he learned the basics to becoming a huntsmen and where he created Blizzard's Fury. Once he graduated from Signal he was accepted into Beacon Academy to his excitement where he would be able to become a full-fledged Huntsmen. [hider=model for weapon design][IMG]http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn221/59WOLF/weapons/Untitled.jpg[/IMG][/hider][/center]