Kirei sat on a bench somewhere. Greenery was around her and the children outside were amazed by the flash snow flurry. Kirei wasn't a big fan of the snow, or the cold overall really. Still she just needed to cool her head by any means necessary. She tilted her head back to look at the sky. "What exactly did I do. . ." She spoke to the air. It was nothing really new, but she hadn't really planned on doing that to her roommate then. Or, ever really. The idea was to just be friends and roommates. Not anything more. . . Or less. With a sigh she looked around pulling her head back up. There was the ice cream stand, similar to what Anna wanted earlier, just a bit more fresh as far as Kirei knew. She wasn't a fan of the stuff. Her first time trying it her head felt like it was going to go into a deeply frozen state, making her avoid eating the stuff. Now there was a man, "Ian was his name?" She had heard of him and talked lightly, but there wasn't much beyond that. Some people say he can't keep his hands to himself though Kirei wasn't sure what that exactly meant. Then the girl next to him. . . Mulivin or something of the sort. It wasn't an easy name, nor was it one the spider had heard much. "I wonder if they're on a date." Kirei muttered under her breath. As she thought on it more, she came to a doubtful conclusion. The "M" girl didn't seem so interested in a date after all. Still, she kept watch on them in case something interesting happened. One could be sure that, due to just what the town was suppose to be, something interesting would almost always happen.