By the time Jade awoke, she would find the ship surrounded by blue in all directions, both the waves crashing into the ship, and the clear sky above. Nikolai, of course, had been busy, and at present, was standing at the very end of the bow, staring forward and holding some form of parchment. He'd changed out his orange jumpsuit, or at least the bottom of it, from the tattered shirt he still wore, and put on a dark colored pair of trousers and boots. He yawned as he stared out at sea with a smile. "Man, it's been way too long since I've had this kind of freedom... I really can do anything!" He laughed as he turned around to stare at the mast, which was dutifully catching the wind. He frowned slightly at the sight of the Marine insignia that the ship was flying. The ship itself was a caravel, though it was armed to the teeth due to its previous ownership. "Hopefully that won't cause any problems though..."