I think it would make a little more sense if they were already acquainted with each other for a while, since it is a mercenary group and all. They might not know too much about each other, but they must have grouped with them once or twice in the past, ya know. I don't usually mess around a lot in the OOC since I'm a med student, and I just don't really have the time. But when I do, I usually enjoy talking to folks in the OOC and going a little silly. GMT +3 I'm pretty active considering. I'm usually able to post once or twice per day, but there will be some days where my responsibilities just won't let me get on for that day. They're not often, so no need to worry about that I love action. Action is awesome, it's like adding spices to food. Too much and you ruin the flavour, too little and it just tastes bland. There should be just the right amount revolving around the plot to make it even better. Under the right circumstances, I can practically write a novel. But usually I try to go at least four good paragraphs. Lincoln Malazan Book of the Fallen series.