As Powers fell, Cho stood amidst the crumbling ruins. All around him was an earthquake, a roaring sea of chaos, of shifting stones and yawning abysses that yearned for him to enter. The warrior ahead of him had just slaughtered his entire team. He racked the slide of his sniper rifle, the brass casing ejected from its body to clatter noisily down onto the stone. He, the lone observer, the team leader, now just a lone man against a monster. A monster with a sharp sword and magic to rival even the best technology he had. But the fight was far from over. It was on now, [i]mano a mano[/i]. The Korean man stood his ground, regaining his balance slightly even as the world around him shook and tore itself apart. With rifle in his hands he leveled it at the warrior and squeezed the trigger. Another high velocity round tore out of his rifle and sped straight towards his adversary, hopefully hitting its mark a second or two later. He didn't even give it a second thought; his right hand automatically racked back the straight bolt of the rifle, ejecting another spent brass casing while he shifted position, hopping off of his perch to scamper away, retreating further into the ruins and away from his target. With his quick thinking he realised that the closer he got to that strange warrior, the worse the shaking got as well. All that magic of his seemed to center around him, so that's what he'd avoid. Distance, precision and stopping power were his trump cards here, against the warrior's superhuman speed and strength. As he ran, he reported back to his superiors, while his free hand shot to his vest, freeing several small, globe-shaped objects that pulsed with a blue glow as they fell to the stone and dirt. Proximity mines, small in size with a kick the strength of your average fragmentation grenade. Each little sphere, once armed, would lay motionless until it detected movement within a two foot radius around it. Once that trigger is hit, the sphere explodes much like a grenade would. No doubt the glowing blue circles would leave a fairly easy trail, but Cho doubted that the warrior understood modern technology that well. "HQ this is Wolf Leader, my entire team is down, repeat my whole team is down. Situation is code black, I say again, situation is code black, requesting immediate backup." [i]"Negative Wolf Leader, you are to maintain on target to complete the mission."[/i] "Shit." [i]So this is what it felt like to be expendable,[/i] he thought. [i]But then again, that's what we were anyway.[/i] [i]Expendable.[/i] [hr]Unbeknownst to the rest of the team, including their adversary, Puck hid behind an array of stone, further away from the conflict. She too had watched as her whole team had been slaughtered like pigs, but unlike their fearless leader, she was overcome by it. So she fled, the lone medic away from a horror show. Her weapon was cast away, and she fled. Ran for the hills. Much later, much much later, after the whole conflict ended, she was picked up by a lone ParaCom scout transport and brought back to their mountain base for a debrief. Shortly after she was assigned to a new team, whereupon she served for a much longer term before being unceremoniously ended by a centaur chieftain.[hr] "HQ, one last favour. I need you to help me identify the origins of the hostile." [i]"One moment. Hostile is confirmed as being a Viking warrior, male. Magic user of a powerful degree, exercise extreme caution in engaging the subject."[/i] "Alright. Now could you upload a database of his language to my translator? I want to understand this asshole." [i]"One moment. Data transfer complete. Your auto-translator should now have a complete database of ancient Norse."[/i] "Roger. Thank you HQ. Going dark. Wolf Leader out." [i]Right, time to deal with this prick.[/i] "Hey! Asswipe! Over here!"