I was a part of another RP with this same title and I rather enjoyed it! Unfortunately after about 1.5-2 years it died. I would love to re-start it! Please Ignore the post count, we are always accepting people/characters The basic story line is that a meteor has landed in France. It was large enough to do a lot of damage and claim many lives. Due to the dirt in the air and the shock of such a large object making it through the atmosphere many surrounding countries suffered long after the meteor strike. The earth began to settle a bit and the governments argued as to what should be done. The world was on the brink of another world war despite the tragedies that had already occurred. Then, people in the neighboring countries began to drop like flies. accidents were everywhere because of people spontaneously dying. The human race just couldn't catch a break. Despite their bickering, the governments began to pay attention to the anomalies in the countries surrounding France. As it turns out, by the many governments investigating, the meteor was radioactive. The governments were on high alert, quarantining everything. That is when they discovered that a few had survived, and developed. Adults and children alike, spread far and few between had been genetically changed. Some were partial to elements, others had gained likenesses of animals. All became known as 'Subjects'. The governments fought ravenously over these human resources of power, these broken 'heroes'. This is where you come in. As one of the Subjects you are on the run from the governments, trying to get away and not be experimented on, not to be driven mad. You can also be working with the governments as a specialized team for hunting, capturing and torturing your own kind. Some say you are mad yourself. Each subject, with the government or not as long as they are known to the government, are given a Greek letter as a name. Something easy to refer to. To add a little more taste and in an odd twist of fate. Subjects are beginning to gather. Mainly to hide from the governments but some want to unite the nations in rebuilding the world. Ironically, their choice in doing so is the only way for the countries of the world not to fall into World War 3. Side Note: All specials have telepathy with one another. It's all the same language when they speak with their minds too. [b][u]CS[/u][/b] Name: Age: Country of Origin: (Obviously not from France) Power(s): Greek Name: Side: Appearance: Personality: History: Other: [b][u]Example[/u][/b] Name: Alice Freond Age: 16 Country of Origin: Canada Power(s): Plants! She can grow seeds and have the flourish in almost any situation. She also has the ability to talk to them, and them to her. She can make them grow past their original size or stunt their growth. She can revert their growth completely. Through mosses and fungi she can locate other people/animals but not accurately hear what they say (like playing broken telephone). Greek Name: Lamda Side: On the Run Appearance: [hider=A Quick Sketch][URL=http://s156.photobucket.com/user/Hidden_Lilly/media/IMG_07371_zps565ae3e1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t14/Hidden_Lilly/IMG_07371_zps565ae3e1.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Short blonde hair cut in a feathered bob with green tips. Ivory skin with big aqua eyes. She has a petite and delicate frame which she covers with somewhat large clothing. She wears an orange tank top and military looking jacket. She is always wearing cargo pants and her messenger bag. Personality: Bubbly and bright. There is almost never a time when she isn't smiling ... etc. History: She grew up in Canada as the 2nd youngest of 4. She had a very loving and caring family and lived on the eastern coast. When the meteor hit her family suffered the bad weather but survived. She however seemed to change. It wasn't long before her parents noticed her sudden increased interest in plants and she discovered soon after that it wasn't just a liking but a power. Her parents lovingly gave her what they could so she could go on the run and helped her move from Canada. She moved to a tourist attraction on Cape Verde. She worked on a resort as a landscaper and gardener. it was good work for someone who can talk to plants. She has not been found out since leaving her home. Other: She suffers from phytomania (the obsession of collecting plants). Her bag contains mostly plant information she has yet to memorize and all her pockets are filled with seeds. I will be posting every other day approximately. [b][u]Accepted Characters Summary, Side and Status[/u][/b] Alice Freond by Hidden Lilly - On the run (Flora Manipulation) [Lamda] Jason Evander by duskshine - On the run (Bio-manipulation of nervous system) [Delta] Richard Windelthatch by Torack - On the run (Illusion – on victims) [Omega] Seven Neilssen by Sabotage – On the run (Limb Extension/Elasticity, Enhanced Swardsmanchip) [Phi] Aksel Fiske by Captain Captcha – On the Run (Bio-manipulation) [Gamma] Zackie by Ebil Bunny - On the Run (Specialized Vision) [Zeta] Esailia by Esailia – On the Run (Telepathy - Telekinesis) [Chi] Emilian by Shoryu – On the Run (Changeling - Insectozoid) [Theta] Makoto by Hidden Lilly - On the Run (Electricity - particle charge control/amplification) [Mu] Eise Torell by lVlaster Jay - (Lashing) [] [b]WITHDREW[/b] Elena Jackson by Astarael42 – (Illusion – on environment) [Xi] Rolf Hudord by Infinate Embers – ? Government (Pick up memories from objects) [Sigma] Elizabeth by Xunzar - England Government (Telepathy - Hive-Mind Control) [Alpha] Marie by Memoir – English Government (Toxic Fumes) [Nu] Aia by Queen Raiche – Italian Government (Dimensional Awareness) [Upsilon] Colonel Anthony Winters by Revans Exile – USA Government (Power Neutralization) [Psi] Irene Issac by drewccapp – USA Government (Storybook Magic) [Iota] David “Battery” Smith by Xunzar – USA Government (Electricity - Joule Absorption/Projection) [] [b][u]Available Greek Names[/u][/b] Beta Epsilon Eta Kappa Omicron Pi Rho Tau