[color=00a651]Ezmeralda long black hair flow behind her as she flew to the skies, as she started to reach the top of the treeline she grabbed her dual fans and she quickly spinned with her fans out to quickly let out a powerful gust of wind. Which knocked off several branches of trees that quickly flew past her as she headed towards the ground. She was still going fast and the branches still have the chance to hit her, so she used her semblance to increase the air resistance around her to the point of slowly floating to the ground on a mini tornado. And at three feet off the ground she stopped her tornado and landed on the ground softly. She pushed back her disheveled hair behind her with her wrist. She scanned the forest, but everything appears to be all in order. She spinned the fans in her hands and closed them and put them back in her sleeves to be used at a later time. That was quite the flight. Will the other students be okay. Ezmeralda thought to herself with a look of concerned. She better start looking for the others now that she landed. She started walking through the forest stepping carefully not to get her heels stuck in mud or roots, while keeping an eye out for the others and for Grimm. [/color]