"This is Dispatch, we've got a 10-50 on Crown Street. Possible 10-100.10-0 advised, how copy? " (10-100 isn't an actual code, but I figured in a world with super powers the police would have a call out for super villains.) Another officer spoke up through the police radio."10-4. My partner and I are 10-76 to the scene. 10-77, approximately ten minutes." Fallout pressed a button on the neck of his suit, activating his communicator."I have the 10-50, brothers." He said in his deep Russian accent. The armored hero turned around and started heading in the opposite direction he was going, and began to move towards Crown Street. Despite the massive bulk of the armored suit that contained John, the hydraulics within made movement within it far easier than if they were not present. Fallout arrived on the scene a few minutes ahead of the police. What he saw was much more than an accident. With only a glance, Fallout could tell something was very wrong. The street was frozen, and there was ice and snow everywhere. It shouldn't be there, considering the season and the fact that the skies were more or less clear."This is Fallout again. Back up might be necessary.." While he may have called for back up a bit prematurely, there was never any harm in being careful. John powered up his laser and slowed to a jog as he moved down the sidewalk. With the amount of citizens running towards him, Fallout speculated that the threat was straight ahead. So the metal clad warrior moved ahead, careful to avoid running into one of the terrified people. The super was easy enough to identify, wielding a sword and dressed for such weather. Fallout approached, training his weapon on the fur wearing man."Freeze." John said, rather ironically.