[center][h3]Enchanted Woodland 26/4/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] With the concentrated attack of Kill Rush, Agi and Garu, the spider was forced to back away while Kami moved in to form the front line and used Mazio to thin out the spiders again as another small stream came in. The spider seemed to be weak to the Agi though, but at the same time the fire was burning away bits of the web. The Maragi from earlier made the web floor a little more buoyant, but the area around where the Agi hit, was starting to clearly burn away. This wasn't a good thing for the spiders either, the webbing began to spread again. The larger spider was furiously working on it as the smaller ones tried to keep the team at bay. [color=magenta][i]"Your attack forced it back, but my Persona indicates that it took almost no damage... Maybe try burning away the web that supports it?"[/i][/color], that sounds like a pain... And a tricky fight too. Their attacks did no damage, but it seems to be frantic about keeping the web intact... [color=slategray]"Alright... Matthew, burn the ground it stands upon. Me and everyone else cover him"[/color], Rui stated.