[center][img]http://www.greeceturkeytours.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Mount_Olympus41.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]It was a normal day in the year 2018 when all the lights went out. If everyone in the world didn't have the same experience, one could argue that it was all just a dream. But as everyone recalls that day, it stands to reason that the impossible is real. On this day, not only did electricity fail, causing an understandable level of panic, but fires went out as well; even the sun, moon, and stars did not shine. This absolute darkness lasted for what has been estimated as one minute, simultaneously across the entire globe. When the lights came back, almost nothing seemed out of place, except for the small population that had fallen into a deep sleep. Spread evenly across the globe, there seemed to be no reason or rhyme to those who fell victim to this coma. Age, gender, race, or religion, there was no connecting factor between all these people. The strangest thing of all were the conditions surrounding the comatose. They were not able to be touched, by human hands or any other means. It was as if they were frozen in time with an impenetrable force field surrounding their bodies. Whether they were standing or laying down, their bodies became immovable monuments to the dark day. Many of the comatose have been quarantined off by scientists for study. Others, frozen in public locations, have basically become tourist attractions. Some have been protected by their families, as they fell into the coma while in the safety of their own home. And an unknown number of people could easily be missing from society, frozen in an isolated area, caught in the middle of an estranged adventure. But on the one year anniversary of the 'Dark Day', a new chapter began. On this day, every coma stricken person woke...[/i][/center]