Collab between [color=00aeef]King Kindred[/color] and [color=f7941d]Knight of Doom[/color] ([color=00aeef]Troy[/color] and [color=f7941d]Kiran[/color]) [color=f7941d]"Yea, I haven't eaten yet."[/color] Kiran smiled, happy that she could make someone's day better. She sat next to Troy. A plate was set in front of her and she began to carefully cut her maple syrup covered chocolate chip pancakes. [color=f7941d]"So who's in that picture?"[/color] She asked, treading carefully. She didn't want to make him angry, and the person in the picture seemed to lighten Troy's mood up. Troy looked at Kiran as she sat next to him. He almost expected her to sit across from him instead. Her pancakes looked better than his and he started to wonder why he had never tried chocolate chip pancakes. It had to be good, right? Chocolate chips tended to make a lot of things taste better. He was caught off-guard by her question. People didn't typically ask it and even though it was a touchy subject he had no problem answering it. He glanced down at his plate before glancing back over to her. [color=00aeef]"My mother. It's a picture of me and her when I was five. She was killed by a monster when I was twelve years old."[/color] He paused for a moment and ate another piece of his pancakes. [color=00aeef]"Her death is why I'm angry most of the time. Yesterday was the anniversary of her death. She [i]loved[/i] my father and he did [i]nothing [/i]to save her."[/color] A sigh escaped his lips before he looked up as if he was seeing through the roof of the pavilion. He wondered how the dead worked. Most of the time he wished that his mother was an Angel or constellation so that she could look down and watch him. Hopefully her spirit lived well down in the Underworld. She always said that he was special, but she was the special one. [color=f7941d]"Well, it seems that your mother was a really nice lady. Especially since she still loved your father, even after he left. That takes a lot of dedication. I'm she would forgive your father if she had the chance. I'm also sure she'd want you to move on and become a stronger person. That's what mother's are there for right?"[/color] Kiran moved her hand slightly closer to Troy's arm, before deciding against it. [color=f7941d]"The gods on the other hand, aren't always as forgiving or helpful. It's difficult to admit, but they tend to choose favorites. I know because I'm one of my father's favourites. It's difficult to live up to his expectations, but at the same time I don't know what it's like to be ignored by my godly parent. So I guess I don't really have a say in the matter."[/color] Kiran wanted to comfort him, but honestly there was only so much she could do. As a healer, she wish she had the ability to comfort souls. That was the only thing the Aphrodite children were good at. When they used their charm speak, they could comfort someone's soul. Kiran had to do it the hard way, with words and actions. She gave Troy a small smile hoping that if she stayed positive, he would too. Troy knew that Kiran was mostly right. He was sure that his mother forgave his father a long time ago and she'd want him to do the same, but he couldn't just bring himself to do it. He never liked or understood the whole favouritism thing that the gods had for their kids. How could you choose favourites out of your children? It wasn't even that Poseidon even had a lot of living children. That was unless you counted the Cyclopes. Hell, apparently he even loved his Cyclops brother Tyson more than he loved him. The only thing that Poseidon really did was give him life and claimed him at a campfire. That didn't really make up for sixteen years of not being there. Sometimes he wondered if he was a mistake. Gods tended to make mistakes all the time despite their perceived perfection. He looked at Kiran and wondered if she had heard of the Civil War that's coming up. She seemed to be more carefree than some of the older campers right now. It was true that not all of them heard of it, but it almost seemed like the majority did. [color=00aeef]"Have you heard of this Civil War of the gods? What do you think about it? I asked Skylar the same thing before we almost got to fighting."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Civil War?"[/color] Kiran had never heard of it. [color=f7941d]"That sounds pretty bad. I've talked to Apollo a couple times earlier in the school year, but eventually he got busy. What's it all about?"[/color] Kiran couldn't imagine a scenario where the words 'Civil War' ended in a good or even neutral way. The gods usually fought, so maybe it was a small event? At least that's what she thought. Troy was right then. She didn't know about it. He figured that he understood why he got busy. [color=00aeef]"A lot of the gods don't believe that Zeus is fit to rule the gods and that Athena should be their new leader. Normally I would have agreed with them and sided with Athena on this one, but my father is on her side so... yeah. Zeus it is. Some think that the fight between the gods will eventually become a war between their own kids. It sucks and the gods don't even care. They're stubborn like that. I don't know who's all on whose side, but it won't be a good war."[/color] Then again no war was necessarily good. Troy really didn't even want to get into all of this, but he felt that he would be dragged into it regardless. With his anger unchecked most of the time in battle what would he do to his very extended family? [color=f7941d]"Hmm,"[/color] Kiran thought. [color=f7941d]"I really don't want to take a side. A war like this, usually has side affects on the mortal world."[/color] Kiran sighed. While she wanted some excitement over the summer, she didn't want anyone to die. But of course, in a world filled with gods with serious egos, lots of people were bound to die.[color=f7941d] "Are you really willing to pick a side based on your parentage?"[/color] Kiran asked. While she may not have any reason or motivation to pick a side in a war she had no idea about 2 minutes ago, she might still have to pick a side. It's probably better to learn as much as she can about everyone else. Troy felt like a rotten brat when Kiran put it like that. Was he really going to pick a side in a war just because it opposed his father? The answer to it was of course yes, but it didn't make him feel better about it. He finished up the last of his pancakes and sighed. [color=00aeef]"Yeah. It sounds bad when you put it that way. I mean the picking the side just on parentage. I was already concerned about the condition this war would put the world in. Nothing good can come of this." [/color] Troy then stood up from his seat and stretched a bit. [color=00aeef]"I'm going to go to the fields to train. You can come if you want."[/color] Kiran bounced out of her seat. [color=f7941d]"Definitely!"[/color] She exclaimed. [color=f7941d]"It's been so long since I've trained. I'm so rusty, it not even funny."[/color] The Civil War could be put on the back burner for now. If Kiran couldn't fight decently, then let's just say the summer wouldn't be any fun.