[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HeqywCY.jpg?1[/img] [h1][color=hotpink]Annabella Carlyle[/color] - [color=purple]Athena, Goddess of Wisdom[/color][/h1] [/center] [color=purple]Goddess Name:[/color] Athena [color=hotpink]Human Name:[/color] Annabella Carlyle [color=hotpink]Human's Age:[/color] 19 [color=purple]God's History:[/color] [url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/athena.html]Athena, Goddess of Wisdom[/url] and [url=http://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/athena/]Athene[/url] [color=hotpink]Human's Biography:[/color] Annabella was born in New York City, New York. Her father was an ex-marine and now worked as a gym teacher for the local high school. Her mother was a secretary to one of the highest, most prestigious fashion designers in the business. Because her mother was the designer’s favorite, Annabella, or Anna as she liked better, lived a higher class life. She and her parents had an apartment in Manhattan. But, her mother, being so busy, was hardly ever home, forcing Anna to be raised mostly by her father, who, being an ex-marine, began to use Anna as his own plaything in the sense to relive his army days. Anna spent most of her childhood hiding from her father at playgrounds or at friends’ houses. She was very fearful of him because she was afraid that he was going to go too far and hurt her. She was very quiet during school and would not talk to anyone except a young boy in the class who couldn’t speak because he was mute. They became very dear friends and began to hang out more and more. Whenever her father was in one of his “moods”, Annabella would always disappear to this friend’s house to hide away. They would play games, but this young boy knew to avoid playing army games because the more Annabella’s father drove her toward it, the more Annabella drew away from fighting and the army. Everything began to change once Annabella reached high school. She was one of the prettiest girls in her class, though she never felt like it because her father still treated her as if she were a boy, forcing her to do all of these army type things though she was majorly against fighting and war at this point. She wasn't the brightest person in her class and worked hard to try to keep a 3.6 GPA, until her father pushed her too far one day and she stormed out of the house, stating that she was going to find an apartment in the city and live as far away from him as possible. She was only sixteen at the time and in order to actually keep an apartment, one must work. So, Annabella held two jobs, both of them waitressing jobs at two different diners in the city. One she worked directly after school and the other she worked at night. She didn’t care though; she just wanted to be away from her family. Her grades began slipping as she began losing sleep and time to do homework. She did manage to pass all of her classes though and graduated with a 2.75 GPA and was somehow accepted into RIT, one of the best engineering schools in the States by getting lucky on both her SATs and her ACT scores. She began going to school almost immediately, taking out a huge amount of student loans to cover all of the money that any scholarship gotten didn’t cover. As soon as she entered college, though, she felt more alone than ever. Her mute friend moved to go to school in the West and since she was such a quiet, shy girl, she didn’t exactly have the courage to meet people. She was alone in her apartment, working on homework, the day the lights went out. They were only out for a brief amount of time, but it was enough. At that moment, anyone who would cross into the apartment would know how truly alone she was for no one came to visit her. No one even cared. But she is alone no more.