[h2][center][color=lightpink]Aphrodite[/color] & Eleanor[/center][/h2] [center][hider=Aphrodite][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/c3/94/1bc3940a8a24d36308e9b2bf5f3f4d78.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Eleanor][img] http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/053/6/9/blind_by_hobbittiponi-d5vt52s.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=lightpink]God Name:[/color] Aphrodite [color=lightpink]Human Name:[/color] Eleanor [color=lightpink]Human's Age:[/color] 19[/center] [color=lightpink]God's History:[/color] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite]Aphrodite[/url] [url=http://www.mythweb.com/gods/aphrodite.html]Aphrodite II[/url] There are two main myths as to how Aphrodite came to be - in this case, I'm going to use the one where she springs up from the ocean from Uranus's genitals a grown woman (yes, ha ha, I know). As for Aphrodite's personality, although she was the most beautiful, she was described as weak, frightful and vain - three things I attempted to counter in Eleanor. [color=lightpink]Human's Biography:[/color] A rosy cheeked, milky eyed girl with copper curls was born to a homeless Irish immigrant in a sterile clinic in the middle of London and left in a dank alleyway not two weeks later. An elderly beggar found the babe hours later, delighted at his luck of finding a bundle of fresh blankets simply lying beside a dumpster - until the bundle cooed, that is, and a chubby fist waved in the air. Remembering his own pauper childhood, he determined that he would take the child in and raise her as his own. With trembling hands he pushed a checkered blanket away from the babe's face, saw the delighted look upon her face, and decided upon naming her Eleanor, for his late wife's name had been Eleanor and she too was a lion among sheep with cloudy eyes. And so after that no one saw the old man without first a bundle in his arms, then a chubby copper haired toddler tugging on his hand. The little girl grew to love the old man like a grandfather and he loved her like a grandchild, taught her to navigate the alleyways of London, tiny hand pressed against cold bricks as she memorized twists and turns and cramped spaces not even the police knew existed. Yet it wasn't Eleanor's skills in navigating London with the touch of a hand and footwork that made her special but her fearlessness in doing so. Just as the old man predicted, his adopted sire had grown into a lionhearted girl unafraid of making a wrong turn, ending up in the wrong part of the city, for it was all she had ever known; the smell of sewers and cigarettes comforted her. Where the vilest of London lived she called home. The most repugnant scents welcomed her - the strong smell of whiskey and shoe shiner means that old man Jenkins is working again, the aroma of rotten fish had her breathing in deeply, for that meant that her favourite market stall was again throwing out scraps, and her old man loved fish. Where others blossomed in the opulence of the more expensive districts of London, Eleanor was a street rat with an adoration for that which others called repellent.She thrived on the streets, but her old man did not. Where her freckled cheeks stayed rosy and her body plump and glowing even under the harshest of conditions, his frail bones continued to deterioriate until it was not he leading the little blind girl around anymore, but the homely blind woman leading around her saviour. Though a clumsy thief, she stole for him - wallets from men that stopped to admire her beauty that she did not care for, bottles of medicines from pharmacies - even though more often than not she knew not what medicine she was stealing for they were all in similarly shaped bottles, and she gave him something he had no use for. It was during one such excursion, Eleanor palming a bottle in her hands in an abandoned alleyway, breathing heavily from sprinting away, that a darkness enveloped the world. But she, so used pure blackness, was not bothered... not until she heard screams of fright, of "Where has the sun gone? What has happened?" and she was frozen, a bottle of birth control clutched between her fingertips and she could've swore she heard the chirping of doves before no more.