[center]In the beginning, two beings were created. They were given the names Alpha and Omega. Alpha was the embodiment of everything that is just and good, likewise Omega was the embodiment of all that wrong and evil in the world. They battled all throughout time, and all over the earth. Their powers were evenly matched, with one never taking the upper hand over the other. They realized they were too evenly matched to continue their battle, so they would allow fractions of their powers to begin manifesting in humans. These humans (who would later be dubbed "Supers") would then continue the battle of good and evil in the place of Alpha and Omega. You are one of these humans.[/center] Pavar is small town in northwestern Arizona. The community boasts a high school, a small mall, and a large residential area. Nothing particularly worthwhile has happened in this town for quite some time, until Supers began to spring up in the population. You are some of these young Supers whose powers are just starting to manifest. The RP would explore powers and relationships developing before something nasty shows up. Any takers?