Isabel had just drifted into town. She had yet to decide exactly how she would be spending nights while she was here. There were times when she was stuck under bridges, sometimes far from town to avoid being burned in her sleep. But occasionally she would get a spot in a... friendly bed. She had heard, in whispers and murmurs, that there may be an underground mutant scene here in DC. It wasn't easy to look for things like this, but in the last two years she had learned a few tricks for searching them out. She was on her first trick today. Party scenes. No house party, though. That was for rich pretty people in the suburbs. Mutants were more likely to congregate in underground scenes. Loud events, both bright and dark at the same time, full of freaks and hosted illegally in out of the way, abandoned places. She found out about the rave at St Elizabeth's from a web forum devoted to finding parties that she browsed on a prepaid smartphone. It seemed like a good bet. Hell, genetic freaks in an abandoned hospital? The irony was too obvious. She didn't bother checking the front gate, and simply hopped over the wall on the east side. There were no cars parked in view, but the lights in the through the windows and the electronic music drifting down to her told Isabel she was in the right place. The front door was wide open, and she went in and hit the stairs to the party floor. She had stashed her meager pile of belongings by the wall out of sight, and all she had on her were her phone and her clothes. She was plainly showing off her abnormalities with short denim shorts and a crop top, exposing as much of her off-colored skin as possible. The blacklights bounced off of her shimmery body, making her appear to glow and drawing exactly the attentions he wanted as she danced through the party, arms up above the crowd. She moshed, she grinded, she touched people. Some recoiled. Some were into it. It didn't matter, she didn't stay with any partner for long. All the while, she was making mental notes of the people she passed, trying to gauge mutant friendliness, or even the possibility of any of them being Homo Superior.