[hider=Lee Kyger] [center][img]http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=JN.mIWhSKFPcRejowurj1%2bRVQ&w=121&h=150&c=7&p=0&dpr=2.24375&pid=1.7[/img] Name: Lee Kyger Codename: Ifrit City of Operation: Brooklyn, Ohio Age: 25 Gender: Male Superpowers: Lee transforms into a Fire Demon in short. He grows a whole foot taller (normally is 6'1") and gains many other inhuman appendages. His skin becomes red and scaly, he gains wings and fangs(ones that are not used for siphoning blood). In this form he can create and manipulate fire as he sees fit. He does not need an existing source to manipulate and create it. He cannot manipulate any fire without oxygen. He can't manipulate fire the is hotter than normal orange flames, for example, blue fire he cannot control. He cannot use any of his abilities in his human form. (also keeps the hair, grows a bit longer) Skills/ Talents: Lee is an expert cook, it is what he went to school for. Besides this, he can hold his breath for up to two minutes, even when in combat. Equipment: N/A Weaknesses: His biggest weakness his in relation to his superpower. Staying true to his superpowers name, Ifrits are the embodiments of fire itself. In this form, he needs fire in order to transform, in turn he needs oxygen. Without oxygen, he cannot transform. But this is not his greatest weakness of all. Because he needs oxygen to transform, all of it in the air surrounding him is burned up. Because of this, his transformation time is limited. He is given a grace period of 4 minutes of air in order to breath, once that is gone, he has to hold his breath until he can no longer fight, and he must return to his human form. This means that he has a transformation time of 5 to 6 minutes. His ability has a cool down after each use, this is usually 8 to 10 minutes long. Psyche: On the surface, Lee comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off his own only to get beat up for mouthing of to some thugs. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him. Of course, these aspects only hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, he has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own ultimate goal. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective. He is very protective of his family and comrades, refuseing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend on and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them. History: Lee had been working with his father ever since he was able to walk. His father owned a motor sport company, and build cars for racers. This fascinated Lee, he enjoyed building things with his hands, wielding metal together to create something amazing. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when the rain came. He had been working in a car in his drive way when the deluge began, and decided to work in the rain anyway. It was not to long after that when he developed his powers. It was, unusual, and scary at first. He would suddenly wake up to the smell of burning sheets, only to see that it was his own bed that was fire. He would quickly put it out before anything g got serious, but it was still extremely unnerving. He would often transform for a split second before returning g to normal again. Because of this, he could not longer go to church, to afraid that he would be doused in holy water, which would not be fun. After high school his parents saw it fit to send him to school, his father dud not trust his son around cars any longer, so he pursued cooking. He enjoyed the fun that pleasure that was derived from cooking meals that people enjoyed. Unfortunately, his constant and random transformations caused people to shun him. He was a demon to them, and to his parents. They saw no hope for him, they did not know what he was becoming, and his mother being a religious woman, sent him out. At this point emergence of super hero's and villains fascinated him. These people had talents that they could use to save other from pain and suffering. Lee was not a simpalizer for those who were robbed of kidnapped, but he had a talent that he could use to help others. So for once in his life since the rain, Lee allowed to Demon to take over. [/center][/hider]