[color=E24FD6]CallaLilly[/color] and [color=0054a6]King Kindred[/color] ([color=0054a6]Dorian[/color] and [color=E24FD6]Rhea[/color]) [u][b][color=0054a6]Death's Kid[/color] and [color=E24FD6]Little Miss Tinker[/color][/b][/u] Dorian found Rhea to be a really hands-on person. She loved to touch people and when she noogied him he crouched down a bit. She was a fun person to be with and that was the reason why she was so cool. He wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to talk and act like her though. It wasn't something he could actually see himself doing. The son of death with a cheery and loud personality? He shuddered at the thought. He let her drag him through the camp towards the pavilion. She must have been really hungry. He was actually hungry himself. He didn't get to eat last night because he didn't want to be trapped in the Underworld like Persephone was going to be. He looked at Rhea and wondered if she would have the same cheery attitude that she had if she found out the war. Honestly, she probably would have. She was just like her famous brother Leo. He heard that despite all of the foreboding and dangerous things that he went through when Gaea almost destroyed the world Leo had the same fun attitude. It was weird considering that their father Hephaestus didn't really seem to have the greatest life of the gods. [color=0054a6]"You can slow down, Rhea. It is not like the food will be gone when we get there."[/color] As Dorian said this, Rhea hissed her disappointment. [color=E24FD6]"You just don't get it Dorian. I starve if I don't have at least two plates of something. And Festus does too. We always share."[/color] Rhea looked up to face her metallic companion, and she grabbed his head to kiss it. [color=E24FD6]"He's got an even bigger appetite, right baby?"[/color] Festus swooned, as much as a robot could. Rhea peeked at Dorian from the corner of her eye and quickly let go of Festus. She cleared her throat and looked away. [color=E24FD6]"You'd understand if you were a Hephaestus kid."[/color] She whistled to distract herself from the awkward situation, and looked at some of the sour faces of the other campers. [color=E24FD6]"Hey Dorian, what do you think happened to them? Maybe they got bombed with some Apollo music. Strong stuff ya know?"[/color] Rhea was able to temporarily distract Dorian from the whole interaction she had with Festus just now, but he didn't forget it. He looked at the faces of the other campers and slowly shrugged. He wasn't sure what had gotten into them. They didn't seem to have the faces of those who had just found out about the war between their parents so that couldn't be it. He took note of the stains on their clothes. Maybe there was a small food fight or something. [color=0054a6]"They seem to have spilled something on their clothes. Their expressions are almost ghastly. Speaking of ghosts I also do not think that your relationship with Festus is healthy no matter how 'awesome' he is. You might be in love with a machine. No offense, Festus."[/color] [color=E24FD6]"Yeah, yeah. I know, I get the whole machine talk daily from old man centaur. Festus doesn't care, robots don't feel the same way we do."[/color] Rhea hugged herself, and bit her lip to avoid frowning. She ignored Festus' creaks for once, and her face became cold. [color=E24FD6]"I don't love him. I'm not that crazy. He's just my only real friend. You guys-humans in general-don't realize that."[/color] She took a step back, distancing herself from Dorian. [color=E24FD6]"Hey. Sorry about that, that was kind of crazy huh? I think I forgot to take my psycho meds this morning."[/color] Rhea laughed, but it sounded a little fake. She felt like she had when she had gone home, her parents felt like she had been spending too much time with her machines. She didn't know if she Would ever be able to rebound from those conversations like she had with others. Dorian felt like his chest was just hit by a flying brick when Rhea said that Festus was her only friend. He thought they were friends. She barely made it sound better by saying she forgot to take her psycho meds. He was probably a bit insensitive, but he didn't entirely mean it in a negative way. The way she interacted with Festus was honestly really cool. They were practically two peas in a pod which was similar to the relationship he now had with his father. They were so much alike it was crazy. [color=0054a6]"Forget about it, Rhea. You should not have to apologize. I was the one in the wrong."[/color] He looked up to see that they were almost at the pavilion. He grabbed her arm with his left hand and said, [color=0054a6]"Let's go get you your two plates."[/color] Rhea stopped in her tracks when Dorian grabbed her for once. It was usually the opposite way around. She took a deep breath and nodded, feeling a bit better than she had. [color=E24FD6]"Dorian. Why don't we hang out a bit later? Just me and you, no Festus? Maybe you can teach me a few things about being average. And then we can get back to being our normal crazy selves."[/color] She gave him a quick pat on the back before heading over to the food in the pavilion. Dorian didn't know if he liked being called average, but he knew Rhea didn't mean it in a negative way. [color=0054a6]"That sounds fine. You and I. No Festus."[/color] He didn't know what they would end up doing, but maybe he could learn something about being a bit more like a normal teenager as well. He headed over to the pavilion smelling the sweet smell of food.