CS Template Name: Thrallindor "Thrall" Staghammer Age: 34 Class: Squat Pyro Specialist (ROLLY POLLY OF DEATH) Psyker Powers: None Equipment: Hades Pattern Mark III Assault Flamer - A commonly utilised Flamer pattern by the troopers of the Imperial Guard, the Hades Pattern features a long, narrow barrel and nozzle connected by a sturdy cable to a fuel canister worn on the user's back. This design grants an increased fuel reserve, while keeping the weapon itself light. This makes the Hades a perfect choice for squads requiring high mobility. The Hades' simple construction has earned it a reputation for reliability and efficiency, and it is a favourite of many light infantry regiments that prefer the speed with which it allows to bring its raw killing power to bear. This weapon was given to Thrall from a guardsman, a reward for saving him and his friends in a bar fight. Volg "Meat Hammer" Scattergun - While Shotguns can make for brutally effective weapons, the gangers of the world of Volg have created an even more savage variation to stamp their authority on those that dare to cross them. The "Meat Hammer" (so-named for its tendency to turn flesh into unrecognisable chunks), is a specially constructed, triple-barrelled, open choke Shotgun that can all but destroy a living body with a single blast. Usually fired from point-blank range, a Meat Hammer hit is intended to kill, obliterate and to discourage others, and is a particularly loud and messy way to die. Krak Grenades x4 Standard Squat Armour with more Spikes Notable Deeds: Killer of the Paddyfields: THRALLINDOR STAGHAMMER was held up in a Stronghold with his previous Imperial Guardsman Friends fighting against the Tau. His allies were tiring, knackered after days of fighting against a superior enemy with more advanced technology. Thrallindor, with so few allies, knew it was certain death. Until he realised there were Paddyfields. And they can be set on fire! The mighty squat told his Guard Friends to hold on just a bit longer. Using his miniature stature, he rolled around the Paddyfields with two flames in hand and proceeded to set the Paddyfields on fire, killing the Tau that were in the Paddyfields. Backhanded: Thrallindor came head to head against a commissar for shooting one of his best buddies. Thrallindor, in the middle of battle against an Ork Horde, backhanded the Emperor forsaken commissar and broke his neck. "FOR THE EMPEROR!!" He said as he charged into battle. He took part in the battle for Armageddon for five years Thrallindor rode with the Attilan Rough Riders for two years with his former pony Duff Time with Inquisitor: 1 year Appearance: [img]http://asset-1.soup.io/asset/6490/7591_1be0.jpeg[/img] 40K Knowledge Question: Who turned Horus to Chaos? Erebus