[quote=Kostvel] I'm interested, mostly in the first idea. I do best writing in that style of genre/setting. Although I do like sci-fi as well, I prefer more futuristic settings, usually along the lines of new frontier/space exploration. For me, I role-play male characters only, and I don't do sex. If your interested in hammering out a complete fresh idea as well, I'd be open to that as well. [/quote] Awesome! Thanks for the first response! If you'd be so kind as to send me a convo(a.k.a private message) we can get brainstorming! I didn't say this in the above interest check, however I'm perfectly fine with you changing the setting to whatever you'd like most. The input of other people makes the story more intriguing. [quote=Perfect Blue] Hahaha. This is funny. Good luck trying to find a partner that fits this criteria. You'll need it. I honestly think this is a joke. :D [/quote] I understand that you might read my interest check and assume I am looking for the perfect writer, however this is a misinterpretation of what I wrote. In the very second sentence of the interest check, I underlined "most" when referring to the characteristics of people I am searching for. It doesn't matter to me whether you meet all nine, or just five of those criteria. Now, if you feel you meet few to none of those criteria, it is not necessary to respond. I did not intend to be comical when writing the interest check, but if I entertained you this easily, I can only imagine how many laughs I'd get from you as an admissions director at a college. [quote=Kiddo] Perfect Blue, that's not being Fonz cool, mate!On topic, I'm intrigued. Contrary to the above poster's skepticism, I fit most of the criteria, with only a few tiny problems in a few cases, which mostly revolve around the way that I like to GM (I like to keep many, many secrets ^.^). And I like to get posts back quickly, but I'm a bit desperate and understand if you're busy.Neither of those two ideas are quite my cup of tea, but I'm certainly open to make something new! [/quote] I greatly appreciate the time you have taken to make this response! If you meet most of the criteria, you're stellar. Keeping secrets makes a roleplay much more satisfying, thus there is no need to fuss about that. The speed at which you respond is, more or less, irrelevant to how I function on this website. I only ask that you include enough detail that the characters I role play as have every possible action and observation available to them. It irks me when I think of something my character can do, second-guess myself, then find out that my first thought was a more natural action based on delayed information... As far as ideas are concerned, send me a convo and let's get this party started! Thanks everybody, stay frosty!