[hider=Oswald] [b]Name:[/b] Oswald [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/163/2/1/keyblade_masters_by_nuckerbar-d37sirp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Personality] He tends not to speak unless he is spoken to. Oswald is a bit of a tactician at heart, usually trying to keep his cool in most situations. He also isn't above using lies or deception to accomplish a task or to gain an advantage. However, whether he's telling the truth or an elaborate lie, he remains fiercely loyal to Disney Castle and to King Mickey, whom he thinks of not only as a friend but a brother as well. Word to the wise, though, even the calmest of individuals can be angered when the right buttons are pushed and Oswald is no exception. [/hider] [hider=History] Oswald has been a close friend of King Mickey for what seems like a countless amount of years. The two originally learned swordsmanship by sparring together, even before Mickey became King. It all seemed to change when Mickey one day called a mysterious key-shaped weapon to his hands. From then on, the two appeared to slowly drift apart. Mickey himself went away to train with Master Yen Sid, a retired Keyblade Master who had not trained any apprentices since his retirement, so his sudden interest in the young King Mickey was a great honor indeed. Even some of Oswald's other friends appeared to leave him behind, such Donald becoming wrapped up in his magical studies under Merlin. It was shortly after the King returned from his training that Oswald made a fateful decision. Feeling he was getting left behind, Oswald expressed his desire to leave Disney Castle in order to do some soul searching and to train on his own. King Mickey was unsure about this idea, and tried to persuade Oswald to stay, only for the latter to angrily shoot his persuasions down and leave the Castle anyway. From there, Oswald wandered between worlds using a Gummi Ship prototype. He visited a few places and met some new friends along the way. But in his travels he was frequently approached by a woman in black. It was Maleficent, Oswald knew, as he had even been warned about her by Mickey before he left. But he found himself becoming more and more intrigued by her temptations, offering him a means to wield the same power the King himself held. Little by little, she granted him more and more power over the Darkness. Later, tried to attack Disney Castle in order to destroy the Cornerstone of Light. She put Oswald in command of an army of Heartless to invade the castle. When she herself entered the Throne Room, with only Mickey, Donald, and Goofy standing in her way, the most unexpected thing happened. Oswald struck, but did so against Maleficent. She accused him of treachery, but Oswald revealed that he could only be a traitor if he were ever loyal to her to begin with. As it turned out, Oswald's leaving Disney Castle was a mission given to him in secret by the King himself. Because Mickey possessed such strong ties to the Light, he needed someone, an agent, who could move about in Darkness to uncover his enemies' plans and sabotage them. What Maleficent thought would be her grand coup d'etat was, in fact, an elaborate trap that she walked right into. Naturally, Maleficent was furious and she attacked Oswald without any reservations. A battle ensued, and Maleficent was soon defeated, but not without a price. In her initial attacks, she managed to inflict grievous wounds on Oswald, wounds that under normal circumstances would be fatal. To save Oswald's life, the King put him in a machine that would keep him in a hibernation while it healed his injuries over time. But Oswald's wounds were so severe that he was not ready to awaken until nearly two centuries later.[/hider] [hider=Keyblade (Unwavering Resolve] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/021/1/2/Keyblade__Lost_Sentiment_by_PhoenixTrooper.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Shrouded Blade (a sword of darkness)] [img]https://sunnysideanimeblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/img_9930.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Abilities] [b]Offense[/b]: Spellblade (Oswald's primary ability, it allows him to imbue his blades with magic spells to augment his physical strikes.) [b]Defense[/b]: [b]Movement[/b]: Quick Run Lv1 [b]Support[/b]: Magic Shell (Oswald's Spellblade training has left him a bit more naturally resilient against magic, particularly Darkness.) [b]Magic[/b]: Fire, Blizzard [b]Limit Breaks[/b]: [url=http://www.khwiki.com/Dark_Impulse_%28Command%29]Dark Impulse[/url] (In this form he wields ONLY the Shrouded Blade, as this power is representative of his time working for Maleficent.) [b]Drive Forms[/b]: [b]Summons[/b]:[/hider] [/hider]