[hider=Edith Blackeslee] [b]Name:[/b] Edith Blakeslee [b]Side:[/b] Tech [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Human Cyborg [b]Appearance:[/b] Edith is a tall, slender woman with a slim yet athletic build. She's got a light brown skin tone, and long, brunette hair usually tied in a ponytail. Due to her cybernetic modifications, several of her body parts have been replaced. The most prominent change is a dark, reflective and featureless mask that covers Edith's whole face, which also functions as an enhancement to her sense of sight and hearing. The cost of this is the fact that this mask is attached and connected directly to her brain, meaning that behind the mask most of her actual face has been removed. Other modifications are resistant and slick looking legs, and a cybernetic arms. Edith commonly dresses with beige, baggy cargo pants tucked under black military boots and a black leather jacket over a moss green tank top. She also tends to use biker gloves. [b]Personality:[/b] Edith is, by nature, a proud, strong-willed and confident woman. She heavily values individuality and the different quirks that make any single person unique from others. Due to this, she hates the mask she's been made to wear, believing it is made like that to make her one of many, and effectively erases her identity. She's very determined to finish whatever job she has been given, and will not quit until it has been completed in a satisfactory way. Because of her past, she's very attached to kids, and wants to have one of her own. She has a liking towards rock music and similar genres, disliking electronic music on its majority. [b]Faction:[/b] N/A. Edith is currently a freelancing mercenary. [b]Biography:[/b] [hider=Biography] Before being turned into a cyborg, Edith was a PE teacher at a simple high-school, and a recurring participant of athletic competitions. She was married with Garret Blakeslee, an aspiring comedian, and an Art teacher at her school. They were both expecting a child, until an event that changed her life. One night, after one of Garret's shows, they both went home and were about to prepare dinner until she heard a chopping sound. Curious, she went to the kitchen to see what happened, only to find a decapitated Garret staining the floor, walls and his murderer's clothes with blood. In front of him was a thin, purple-clad girl, now splattered with blood all over her. Her violet, emotionless eyes didn't budge from her eye sockets, watching Garret's body as its head fell a few meters away from it, making a crude, fleshy, nauseating sound when it impacted against the floor. When Edith started screaming, the assailant noticed her and knocked her out. Her next memory after that event is being on a surgery table, and seeing that white silhouettes where extracting her child from her womb. Apparently, the surgeons had miscalculated the dose of anaesthesia applied on her, leading her to wake up during the surgery. She didn't stay up for long, as the doctors noticed it and applied another dose. That was the start of her life as an assassin and a test subject for mass-produced cybernetic enhancements. Edith was brainwashed in order to do her missions and, after they were finished, to return to her base and report how it all worked out before being examined. This went on for a few months until her last mission. It was at night, and she was tasked with disposing of a man who had, simply put, heard and asked too many things. The mission went smoothly, until she heard a baby crying. Trying to figure out where the sound came from, she looked out of the window and saw a pregnant woman walking towards a neighboring house along with a man, who was carrying a crying toddler in his arms. This triggered the first step toward a complete memory recovery and, as a consequence of this, her brainwashing disappearing. Edith panicked when it happened, and went into hiding. She spent several weeks hiding and escaping the clutches of the organization that kidnapped her, and trying to find ways to, at least, become fertile again, if not fully human. To pay for all the possible expenses, she started working as a freelancing mercenary, which she continues doing to the moment the story starts.[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Athletic:[/i] Even before getting her cybernetic enhancements, Edith was at a formidable physical condition. Now, thanks to her augments, she's now even stronger and faster than before, capable of keep running at high speeds for a very long while. She's also quite nimble. [i]Acrobatics:[/i] On par with her athletic prowess, Edith's also capable of performing stunts on par with an average gymnast. [i]Close combat:[/i] Edith is extremely capable of dealing with 4 or 5 average humans at the same time while being unarmed. She's also got some experience with melee weapons. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Cybernetic modifications:[/i] Pretty much self-explanatory, most of her body was modified and improved to make her a better soldier overall. These changes include: [list][*][i]Enhanced memory:[/i] Due to the modifications made to her cerebral cortex, Edith is now able to recall memories with great precision. However, this only applies to things that happened after her modifications (for obvious reasons). [*][i]Enhanced sight and hearing[/i]: Her mask allows her to easily see things that normal humans would need a glass lens to fully capture their details. Her hearing also picks up tones above and below the ones that a common ear would perceive. Also, due to the nature of her mask, her field of vision is drastically improved, leading her to seeing in her peripherical vision like she was staring directly at it. [*][i]Physical improvement[/i]: Simply put, Edith has much more stamina than an average human. Along with the ability of running very fast for very long, Edith now doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep, the energy to do different things generated by a powercore located next to her heart. [*][i]Retractable blades[/i]: Edith has short, retractable sawed blades inside her arms, near her wrists. These blades are fairly durable and sharp. [*][i]Short-range needle gun[/i]: On her left wrist there is a small gun that fires heated needles in a straight line. They're very sharp and resistant, even when taking into account their miniscule size.[/list] [b]Possessions:[/b] [list] [*] A small handgun [*] A survival knife [/list][/hider]