Ugh... This was all so surreal. The again, discovering powers over... Darkness, or whatever, was already surprising enough. Then a voice, coming to a warehouse, getting beat up a bit... And then almost a face full of lead. "To hell with it all..." The boy mumbles, then stretches out his arm. Waiting until Gary was outside he turned back to the group. "I'd say we go. Considering this giant clusterfuck just happened, and probably the fact that... Vygorn, or whatever, now know we exist... I think we're going to need any edge we get? Fuck, I don't know..." The kids was trying to figure things out, being much more calm than before. Jason honestly still has no clue about what to do. Taking up the offer seemed like the best course of action, I mean, he's already caught up in this web. Struggling in a web only gets you more entangled in it, so not fighting it seems like the best option. Although he was going to wait on everyone to go before him, or at least more than there already are... If not everyone's on board there's not much point to bothering.