This is an AU Avatar: The Last Airbender RP. The basic idea is that our characters are adults charged with protecting and training a very young Avatar during an alternate version of the Hundred Year War. Interested? Read on. The main point of divergence in this RP is that the volcano on Avatar Roku's home island didn't erupt until six years after it did in the show. This means that the new Avatar was not Aang, but rather, a child born several years after him. Their identity had only just been discovered when Sozin's Comet appeared. An air monk (or nun) was able to escape with the child. (S)he resolved to protect the Avatar until they came of age to defeat the Fire Lord, and to find other bending masters to help train them. That's the basic idea of it, anyway! So, I'd be looking for 3-4 people (we could add -in fact, I'd prefer if we did- a non-bending weapons master, or something of the sort, if we get plenty of interest) to fill the roles of the Avatar's bending masters and protectors. I will take whatever role is left at the end. For now, I believe that the Avatar will be an NPC, though that may change when they get older. This RP will not be free-form. With the consent of the players, I will plan story arcs ahead of time so that there is a structure to this RP. However, it will be largely character driven; your characters' choices through one arc will be what creates the next. I will also welcome -and, to a certain extent, expect- plenty of player participation in plotting. I'm a huge fan of cycling arcs based on each of the individual characters, and those are remarkably difficult to do without the input of the player! Haha. So, this isn't the full extent of what I've thought out for this RP yet, but I figure that it's enough for an interest check. This will not be first come, first serve. I'm really looking for interesting characters who I feel mesh well. I am not choosing characters just yet. If/when we get to the OOC stage, I'll be asking you for an in-character post that expresses what is important regarding their personality, biography, etc. For now, though, if you just want to run character concepts by me via this thread or PM, please feel free! The same goes for any questions, comments, concerns, etc. Thank you very much for reading! (Also! +10 points to anyone who helps me come up with a title that isn't awful. "Avatar: The Second-to-Last Airbender" doesn't have quite the same ring to it, and my other ideas were all some variant of "Avatar: The Four Guardians" or something, which just sounds lame.)