[hr] [center][h1][color=red][b]TSDC[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [b]TSDC Headquarters; office of CEO Argus[/b] The office of the CEO would have been cold, had the entire building not been regulated with thermometer systems. The setting sun made for some orange and red reflections to go around the dimly lit office. It was a beautiful sunset, but Argus didn’t notice. Problems, one after another. The fall of allies, the closing of offices, the growing desperation of the planetary government… all began to take their toll. And, of course, the loss of a critical link to a planetary university which closed down after riots threatened its safety. Argus was browsing his news station of choice, the MAN, when he was pinged by Logan, a close friend and department head. Shifting all other windows on his screen aside with his artificial arm, he took the call. Logan’s face appeared as a hologram. “Ah, Logan… couldn’t wait for the board meeting?” Logan chuckled. “I could bring this up there or here, but perhaps it would be better if I briefed you first.” His face turned serious. “No doubt you heard about what happened to Hephaestus. I checked it out, sent some folks to confirm it, and I am certain that the company has completely gone down. No assets left, the rest are in the hands of La Parranda.” Argus expected the news. Only one bit concerned him in particular. “We sent a shipment of OBC shells and other artillery over to them a few weeks ago. Do you think the colony has it now?” Logan paused for a minute. “...I haven’t the faintest idea, sorry. On the bright side, if they do, they shouldn’t have any equipment that can actually use them.” Argus nodded. “Alright. There are more issues anyways, but we’ll get to that during the board meeting. Did you send the shipment over to the boys at Horizon?” The shipment included 6 armored infantry suits of a new model, a pair of Harassers, and a technician who knew the whole lot of them. “The shipment was sent a few days ago by dropship, they should be arriving shortly.” “Very well. See you at the meeting. Oh, one more thing.” “Yes?” “Set up a division of heavy units, throw in some BeamBlaster 55k’s, use the new armored suit, the works. Preferably all newer model technology. I don’t need to spend 5 minutes looking at the news to see terrorist organizations and revolutionaries everywhere, not to mention the hate against corporations like ours.” “Right, I’ll be on that after the meeting.” Argus closed the call and leaned back. It would be a long week, for sure. [hr] [b]5 minutes from New Horizon United's Airspace; aboard the TSDC Dropship[/b] “This is Dropship 0064 of the TSDC requesting permission to enter your airspace,” the captain said on an open broadcast to Destiny’s Descend. The dropship was regular sized for a dropship, yet almost filled to the brim, containing a small tech crew, 6 heavy suits and a pair of harassers. If accepted into the airspace, they would enter shortly.