Name: Cyrus Eden Appearance: [hider=big picture][img][/img][/hider] Gender: Male Ethnicity: English Birth and Death date: 1099-1130 Psychological Profile: If he was on Dungeons and dragons his alignment would be Lawful good, or what some people call Lawful stupid, he is very very lawful and law abiding. very religious too. however he is also very honor-bound and he is also very sexist. because of his Chivalry code However he can be a religious extremist. often having long debates with people of the opposite religion. usually ends with him calling them a heretic and ignoring them. or worst. attacking them. However he isn't the most strongest of people and can't even read. making him easy to manipulate Backstory: Cyrus was born to a english noble. and was a church going-goody-lawful-two-shoes who one day found a knight and begged him to take him in as a apprentice, and so. the knight did. Cyrus, after many years he finally became a knight and enlisted in the first crusade he saw He then would've met his end in the crusade but instead while on his crusade him and a squad of knights investigated a cave were they found a priest, who told Cyrus he was the "Chosen one" and told him he was needed for a "holy quest". Cyrus immediately agreed and was sent on the biggest journey through time at the age of 29 Family: a father and a mother who are both nobles and another knight who was his master, not family but he was close to him in life Items: a steel sword. a Shield with a dragon crest on it. Big suit of armor with a crest on it Translator thing: A necklace with the symbol of the cross on it