Verloren let out a small huff as the dragon felt his forehead. He had a slight fever! Just a small one. How could he explain to his companion that he wouldn't die from a fever like this unless the infection got worse? He had completely forgotten about it almost, especially with the bandage on his cheek. "[color=00aeef]I can sleep it off, though. Humans do get all warm though while their body is recovering from things, its just how it works. I'll be fine, I promise. See? Look at my ear, its not as red as it was before, right? Its all scabbed over?[/color]" Ver asks, turning his head carefully to give Lu a view of his ear. Which now actually looked better now that it had been cleaned and had medicine applied properly. Still a bit red, but not nearly as bad as it was before. He grinned a bit. "[color=00aeef]Humans wouldn't have survived this long if we died from a little fever like this. Its just how our bodies work. I kind of wish we had the ability to heal like dragons do though, it takes wounds like that arrow just a mere hour or so to heal, if even that.[/color]"