He took away his hand after he's done with the examination. "Well, I wish so too. It would be mice if you could heal properly. But, well.. we can't do anything about that." He muttered as he glanced on his shoulder. He wonder if the arrow wound already gone by now, or not. He's sure that it will left a mark but judging at the no pain on his body at all, it probably healed by now. "Are you good to get moving?" He tapped the not wounded side of Verloren's cheek a couple of time be fore he stood and yawned. He thought about getting a nap and maybe if they have any spare money, he should buy some books about medics by the time they got to their destination. And a map while they're at it. So they could know where are they heading, not just aimlessly passing from place to place. Lu learned how to read and write just like the other human child. Even though he didnt join the formal education at the school back in the Brume. There's a light inside the bushes that was caught by the corner of Lu's eyes, and the young dragon turned around to take a look at it. Even though he's sure that it was just his imagination or something caught the sunlight and reflected it. But, still, he moved quite closer to the bushes and dig into the pile of leaves and branches carefuly so he won't injure his hand. After few seconds digging in, his fingertips touched a very smooth, ceramic like surface. Though he wasn't sure what it is. "Ver, I found something weird in this bush. It feels like a ceramic, or..something with a smooth surface. You know, like those sparkly, round stones back then at the city. Uh, what was it called again?" He furrowed his eyebrows a he tried to remember the name of the things. The female in the city used it as a jewelry. It made from a stone and very expensive, but it's very pretty and sparkly like a glass or a mirror. He's even more confused by the time he almost caught the words from the back on his mind, making him forgot about the name of the stones. After he reached the unfamiliar object, he tried to pull it out but something like a small chains seemed to stuck inside the soil. "It got stuck!" A desperate sigh came out of his mouth. He was so close on getting the object, but he should probably leave it alone.