[color=a2d39c]Name:[/color]Marie Anderson [color=a2d39c]Age:[/color] 25 [color=a2d39c]Appearance: [/color] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/bEDKtfW.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=a2d39c]Background:[/color] She never knew where she was from, and her father never bothered to tell, so she didn't think too much of it. Marie had always lived on the island as far as she could remember, where she swam amongst beautiful reefs, and helped her father with selling the fishes. One day however, a dark storm blew over the island, and her father's fishing boat never returned. Having no one really willing to take care of her during that time, the local, and only, priest took her in, and raised her as his own. Thus, it was only because of that coincidence, that she was sent to another church following the priest, when all the island inhabitants suddenly disappeared. The priest who raised her did mention it was the work of heretics, though she did not know what that was then. And so, she started her trainings there, at first as an exorcist, but they had decided her aptitude was elsewhere, and moved her for executor trainings. She became an official Executor at around age 20, being trained mostly to fight vampires. Since then she had been involved in a number of extermination missions, most were against heretics, a few actually against vampires. When there was mention of the Grail War in Russia, she was taken by Gabriel as part of an entourage for supervising the war. [color=a2d39c]Affiliation:[/color] The Church. [color=a2d39c]Traits:[/color] While she is no match for the top experts of the executor group, she had respectable skill in combat, trained in martial arts both unarmed and with weapons. Utilizes Black Keys as long range projectiles, carrying a lot of them hidden in her clothes, and headdress. Besides that, she has no notable magecrafts, save that of the Baptism Rites of the church. Has some magic circuits of good quality, giving her a respectable prana output just slightly above average mages. [color=a2d39c]Others:[/color]