[hider=IDRGAFFAMNIJWKA][center]Name: Edd Fannon Codename: IDRGAFFAMNIJWKA (I Don't Really Give A Flying Fuck About My Name I Just Wanna Kick Ass) or Badass for short. City of Operation: Badass lives in a new city every night. Appearance: 6 ft tall. Muscular build. Boyish, mischievous features are prominent on his face. He is known to wear a smartass grin on his face. His super suit consists of a white t-shirt with his full name written in sharpie on the front, sweat pants, slippers, and a pair of sweet shades. Age: 19 Gender: Male Superpowers: Healing Factor, able to regenerate from a bullet wound in 0.2 seconds. Mind reading. Able to make objects appear out of thin air. Super reflexes. Teleportation. Very quick at absorbing information, learned how to expertly use a gun in a few hours, but can rarely focus long enough to do this. Skills/Talents: Laziness, maybe not a traditional skill, but being lazy makes you very resourceful. Being awesome. A summer course of Karate when he was 9. Equipment: Whatever he feels like conjuring up. Which is usually his favorite pistol. A pair of 9mms named Jasmine and Clarice. Weaknesses: Focussing. Laziness. Not caring. Psyche: Badass is a tad narcissistic. He only cares about showing up, either showing up and causing chaos or defeating the superhero or villain. Really, doing whatever he feels like. Maybe he'll save the world one day only to plunge it into total chaos the next. And then the next day he'll balance a whale on the Washington monument for fun. History: Badass had a pretty normal child hood. He was quite a slacker in school, barely skating by. Eventually he graduated and went out on his own. The guy got a job as a pizza delivery man who treated the pizzas more like a UPS package than food. He was sarcastic and a tad narcissistic just as he is today. Then the White Rain came and he thought it was sweet. And now here we are.[/center] [/hider]