The cold woman inclined her head to gaze upon the young and barely dressed girl before her. She inspected her with disdain as she found her clothing impractical and chill inducing. Her expression remained frosty, but seemed to only increase in temperature as she found herself unamused by the company she was in. The air around them chilled further as the snow had increased in intensity. At this point, families had left to escape the turbulent weather and children had run off to their schools and institutions for the day. Green grass had become white with ice and snow, making it look like a winter wonderland. Only colder and more harsh. The Snow Woman was not affected by these temperatures and remained quite stoic. ''[color=6ecff6]I may be a 'hag' by means of intelligence and wisdom, but I am a Yuki Onna, or Snow Woman for foreign tongue. These 'coloured snows' are called ice cream and were created as an edible treat. They are flavoured for taste and chilled to keep cool.[/color]'' The Yuki Onna spoke, her voice calm and even, yet piercing and frosty. The younger girl's voice was loud and aggravating, not to mention how she spoke strangely. The woman in the white kimono looked around to find the park deserted safe for a few individuals who enjoyed dancing in the hail. She reeled in her powers, causing the hail to dissipate into light snowflakes once more. The Snow Woman would have to control herself if she wished to continue making a profit. She looked towards the small bird that stood on the girl's shoulder, taking note of the strange looking gem in it's beak. ''[color=6ecff6]Cash only, strange girl.[/color]'' The Yuki Onna interjected, not stupid enough to accept an unknown gem as payment. It could be worth less than what a single ice cream cone costs for all she knew. Bright blue eyes flitted to stare at the strange looking spider morph which stood a few feet away at the edge of the park. They appeared to be looking towards her ice cream kiosk. Perhaps they were going to buy? It would be great if anyone in the area would actually buy ice cream instead of loiter around her. The Snow Woman wasn't a fan of what everybody else called 'small talk' and preferred to avoid it whenever possible. Where she came from, one only spoke for a reason, not to pester others with nonsense. The cold woman hoped that the day would yield enough profit so she could close up and leave area. She preferred her own company rather than be around those who liked to speak of topics like the weather or trivial topics. The Yuki Onna would never understand why humans and other mythics chose to dawdle on unimportant topics to simply 'be polite'. She would never admit it to anyone, but she honestly wished that there were more of her kind in the city. She longed for one who understood why she was this way; Cold and distant from others. The denizens of the myth town simply thought her to be a cruel and callous woman as they merely did not understand her persona. The snow woman was not any of these things deep down, but that is how she came across. Only those who were raised in her conditions would know her truly. Perhaps she could make her own clan? The Snow Woman was brought back to reality as a large minotaur and his children called from behind the younger girl and the incubus. He had demanded that they hurry up with purchasing an iced treat as his children were hungry and wished to savour some of the Snow Woman's delicious sorbet. At this, the woman in the white kimono looked expectantly at the pair who stood before her. [@Satsuki] [@Raijinslayer] [@Pyromania99]