Ryan dropped the jacket and turned back around to face him when Cassie stood in front of him. [color=a0410d]"Yeah he's right. So far he's been helping us, as has Gradma over there-"[/color] She pointed at a teen girl. Though before Ryan could even but in a response other alarms could be heard, metallic footsteps began thudding nearby. Someone was closing in on them. Cassie grabbed onto Ryan, and Edith looking at the scientist she shouted. [color=a0410d]"Grab on to someone."[/color] When he did she concentrated as hard as possible [i]Park, the Park. Park, Park, Park....[/i] In a blinding flash of light, and a larger air vortex than usual the group disappeared. Appearing at the opening of an alley near the park. Cassie appeared in the middle of the flash however as the displaced air rushed out from the centre, the three others were thrown through the air. Ryan himself hit an X3 that was apparently guarding a kid. Stumblin to his feet he picked the other up and threw it at it's companion before they could respond. There was a moment of calm as Cassie fell to the ground and Ryan completely forgot about the kid on the ground in stun cuffs. [color=a36209] "Cassie? Cass? You all right?"[/color] He picked her head up off the ground, shaking her slightly. [color=a36209]"Cass, wake up Cassie."[/color]