Here's a draft - to give people an idea. I'll be doing some editing over time as well. Also, please don't feel that you need to know any specific details about the UK - I simply have added them in because I live here and am familiar with the country. If you need any information for your CS feel free to ask me. Name: Rhiannon Llywelyn Age: 17 (born 3rd November 1997). Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Description: [hider=Photo][img][/img][/hider] Rhiannon is 5' 6" with a petite, athletic build. She tends to wear blue jeans or light chinos with a long-sleeved shirt, usually with the arms rolled up. By all means she is reasonably fashionably dressed but tends to be conservative in her clothing choices, prioritizing comfort over appearance. Biography: Rhiannon was born and raised in Wales, fluently bilingual in English and Welsh. Her parents are both Welsh-born as well although they have lived in various places across the UK, travelling where work took them until they settled to start their family. Living in the small coastal town of Aberystwyth in Ceredigion, Rhiannon grew to love the rural tranquility of a rural town. That said, the town did sport a university and the National Library of Wales so it was not as rural as some of the villages to be found all around Aberystwyth. Once she reached the age of eleven her parents urged Rhiannon to look at 'more advanced' schooling options. In reality this meant grammar and private schools to be found in England, those highest up the league tables. Taking the chance to see more of the world and gain some independence, Rhiannon moved to England and now attends a grammar school in the English city of Salisbury, Wiltshire (most famous for its Cathedral's tall spire). She stays with her aunt who lives on the outskirts of the town, lacking any children or spouse of her own she welcomes the company of a young lady in her home. It has been about three months since Rhiannon's Gift was discovered and she goes to the conveniently local military base on Salisbury plains, just outside of the city, for the 'training' sessions. There is a bus that runs at the weekends to the base and all those attending the sessions are expected to take it there. Private transport is discouraged due to the base being in the centre of a large training grounds for the regular forces as well. Gift and Weapon: A long spear (but not as long as a pike) is Rhiannon's chosen weapon, harking back to her people's usual weapon of choice in the medieval period. Her Gift is the ability to strike in a large radius than the point of her spear. This means that with a thrust or a swing it is as if the weapon were much larger than it really is, making it much harder to avoid the blow. To the eye the weapon itself does not change in size but a faint, translucent outline can be seen when she uses her Gift so the attack itself is not completely invisible. However, with a thrust it is a blunt attack (like being hit by a large hammer) rather than piercing attack which her spear would usually inflict.