Here's what I had come up with, a pacifist who believes the Jedi Order are too violent and greedy: [hider=Jedi Padawan Som Lorso] [color=f7941d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Somminick 'Som' Lorso [color=f7941d][b]Species:[/b][/color] [url=]Mirialan[/url] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=f7941d][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=f7941d][b]Faction:[/b] [/color] Jedi Order [color=f7941d][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Jedi Padawan [color=f7941d][b]Captive?[/b][/color] Captured while meditating in the Tranquillity Spire [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [center][hider=Som][img][/img][/hider][/center] [indent]Standing at 170cm (5' 7") barefoot Som is average height for a [url=]Mirialan[/url], although his build is more slender and willowy than most of his kind. He would be classed as slightly underweight but due to extensive training and conditioning has a wiry strength which matches most other Padawans of the same level of biological development.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Notable Race Traits:[/b] [/color] [indent][hider=Disciplined][i][color=fdc68a]Disciplined:[/color][/i] With a culture characterised by a deep-seated faith and respect for an individual's destiny, Mirialans tend to be more disciplined and focussed than most other races. Able to use their cultural heritage as a focal point during mental exercises Mirialans can achieve inner peace more quickly and channel the Force more effectively.[sup]1[/sup][/hider] [hider=Athletic][i][color=fdc68a]Athletic:[/color][/i] Generally regarded as particularly capable martial artists, Mirialans are typically faster and more agile than humans under the same environmental conditions and can recover from physical stress more quickly.[sup]1[/sup][/hider] [hider=Open and Honest][i][color=fdc68a]Open and Honest:[/color][/i] Due to their disciplined and faithful cultural background Mirialans tend to be less cunning than humans, taking other races at face value when encountering them.[sup]1[/sup][/hider][/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Flaws:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Innocent][i][color=fdc68a]Innocent:[/color][/i] Som usually believes he understands the path his life must follow, and so sturdy is his faith that he is doing the right thing he can easily be misled by the trickery of others. Failing to understand the motives of those around him he can be fooled into believing practically anything, as long as it does not conflict with his own rigid beliefs.[/hider] [hider=Dogmatic][i][color=fdc68a]Dogmatic:[/color][/i] Due to his upbringing under the most severe observance of the Mirialan faith Som tends to be overly supportive of established procedures and rituals, often placing great importance to even the most mundane of rites. This dedication to the tenets of his faith may be the only thing which kept him observing his extended meditation session following his Trials, even to the point of starvation.[/hider] [hider=Frail][i][color=fdc68a]Frail:[/color][/i] Som's dedication to spiritual matters often makes him lose sight of the more mundane concerns of the flesh, including eating properly. His harsh religion upbringing have done little to prepare his body for the rigors of war, although his gruelling monastic exercise regime has hardened his body allowing him to suffer greater injuries than others would be able to endure.[/hider] [hider=Manifest Destiny][i][color=fdc68a]Manifest Destiny:[/color][/i] Som fervently believes his Force powers were granted to him as a result of his meditations and self discipline, rather than from some genetic or biological fluke, and sees a glorious future in store for himself. Whether this is true or not is something which has yet to be determined.[/hider][/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Inner Calm][i][color=fdc68a]Inner Calm:[/color][/i] Through meditation and contemplation Som has learnt to still his mind and body, finding peace where there was once only chaos. Even in the most trying of times Som can keep his mind focussed on the task at hand, channeling his energies towards productive ends rather than facing demons and nightmares which may have weighed on his mind.[/hider] [hider=Pacifist][i][color=fdc68a]Pacifist:[/color][/i] Although some would see his choice not to take lives if at all possible a weakness, to Som it is a strength. By concentrating on developing his ability to eliminate an opponent's ability to fight without resorting to murder Som has developed a number of ways to harmlessly incapacitate his enemies while causing the least amount of physical injury to them. [/hider] [hider=Niman Discipline][i][color=fdc68a]Niman Discipline:[/color][/i] Som's peaceful nature led him naturally to follow the Niman discipline, whose defensive style allow him to remain free from harm until able to close with his enemies and incapacitate them peacefully. Som carries a dual-bladed lightsaber fitted with dragite gems which produce sonic reverberations during battle, disorienting and distracting his opponents and producing concussive waves when struck with force, but he rarely wields it, preferring instead to use a form of unarmed martial arts developed from his old monastic training exercises.[/hider][/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Force capabilities:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Basic Jedi Powers][i][color=fdc68a]Basic Jedi Powers:[/color][/i] Having spent most of his life contemplating the immaterial and spiritual nature of the universe it may come as no surprise that Som's mental abilities are disproportionate more powerful than his physical ones. Easily mastering [i]Force Sight[/i], [i]Force Sense[/i] and [i]Precognition[/i] while still early in his training allowed his instructors more time to also help him hone his [i]Force Speed[/i] and [i]Force Jump[/i] abilities as well. While he possesses the mental power to [i]Mind Trick[/i] others Som's open and honest cultural background mean that he dislikes using the power, as he tends to believe that a person should be given the opportunity to accept the truth as it is, rather than being forced to see from his perspective.[/hider] [hider=Tutaminis and Force Stun][i][color=fdc68a]Tutaminis and Force Stun:[/color][/i] Som's peaceful nature and dedicated mind have honed in him a deeper connection to the Living Force, allowing him to feel the flow of energies around him and control their movements. During combat he can use his peace of mind to absorb and redirect enemy attacks away from himself and his allies, turning an opponent's strength against them. His ability to stun an opponent with the Force is still limited, requiring actual physical contact with his opponent's head (or other central nervous system equivalent) in order to be effective. [/hider] [hider=Skilled Hibernation Trance, Breathing Control and Force Bellow][i][color=fdc68a]Skilled Hibernation Trance, Breathing Control and Force Bellow:[/color][/i] Drawing from his monastic meditation techniques, taught to him since his very earliest childhood, Som can control his body with deeply ingrained skill, allowing him to slip into a revitalising trance and control his breathing with ease. This control extends to outward force also, allowing him to channel the Force with his voice to daze and confuse his foes. [/hider] [hider=Skilled Crucitorn][i][color=fdc68a]Skilled Crucitorn:[/color][/i] The harsh discipline of his faith has allowed Som to harden his body and mind against physical torments, increasing his resistance to pain and anguish. In times of strife he can withdraw into himself, channeling his pain into a cleansing process which leaves his mind invigorated and attentive. [/hider] [hider=Plant Surge][i][color=fdc68a]Plant Surge:[/color][/i] Som's connection with the Living Force promises to be one of his most powerful gifts, if given the time to develop it further. At the moment he can do little more than cause a shoot to burst from a seed after several minutes of concentration, but the potential for so much more lies within him.[/hider][/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color][indent] Born and raised in a [url=]vihara[/url] located in the mountain regions of Naboo's southern continent Som was brought up following a highly severe version of the [url=]Mirialan[/url] faith which extolled strength of mind and body as one combined with an abandonment of physical wants and desires as a path to spiritual serenity. Subjugated by prayer session, physical exercises and meditation rituals designed to hone his transcendent nature more than his physical form Som developed a greater insight into the flow of the universe around him, finally becoming aware of the Force when he was five years old. Taken from his family to a Jedi Praxeum Som's lifestyle translated well into the Jedi teachings, although their lack of form and focus disturbed his need for structure in his everyday life. To compensate Som continued to practice his faith's rites whenever his training would allow him to do so, leading to several occasions where his fasting and purging had to be sanctioned by his instructors. Pleased with his progress on the Path of the Jedi his training Masters decided to allow Som the opportunity to attempt the Trials while only fourteen years old, but although he managed to pass most of the tests easily his lack of worldly knowledge led to his failure of the Trial of Insight. Taking the news in his stride Som set out to correct the error in his teachings, abandoning some of his religious practices in order to more fully embrace life. Again this path led him into difficulties, and a number of times his instructors had to step in to prevent Som becoming harmed by his misadventures. After three years Som was given a second chance to face the Trials, but again he failed the Trial of Insight when caught in a cityscape illusion he allowed a thief to escape with his possessions. This time Som didn't accept the decision as lightly, arguing that his solution to the situation was valid; he had little need for the items that were stolen, and if the thief felt forced to take them then his need for them must've been greater. Unfortunately Som's passionate arguments failed to convince the Council, who argued that Som did not anticipate what may transpire on his path ahead, and losing the items may set him back later on. Returning to his studies Som began to doubt the Jedi and their ways. While at first he'd admired their bold and forthright nature he was beginning to see flaws in their thinking which seemed irreconcilable with his own beliefs. Closing in upon himself Som spent much time meditating on the obstacles he faced, unwilling to withdraw from the challenge until he fully understood the nature of the conflict. It would be another three years before Som chose to retake the Trials, and despite finally passing all five Som requested that he be allowed some time to meditate on the nature of his experiences before finally accepting his place as a Jedi Knight. With the permission of the Council Som retreated to the Tranquillity Spire for contemplation, spending several days in seclusion before his reverie was interrupted by the arrival of the Sith.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Personality and/or Motivation:[/b][/color][indent]Som's absolute faith and devotion to his beliefs may be the path to far greater focus of the Force than many other would be able to achieve. With the right training and guidance he would be able to rise above other Knights and take a seat on the Council one day. With improper guidance however, those same traits could be turned into powerful tools for the Dark side of the Force.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Player’s long term goals:[/b][/color][indent]Som is an interesting case study in the power and danger of absolute belief. His journey in search of enlightenment could easily be corrupted unless he remains true to himself and his personal code, something which historically has proven to be very tough for even the most devout of people (Joan of Arc, Maximilien Robespierre, Adolf Hitler.) While Som's fictional religion will be heavily influenced by Buddhist teachings I intend to make no parallels between the teachings he has been raised on and the real world faith and intend no disrespect to those who follow its tenets.[/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Relations:[/b][/color][indent][hider=Family History]Som's Great Great Grandmother [url=]Jana Lorso[/url] once worked as a representative for the [url=]Czerka Corporation[/url], only to lose her position when the Jedi Exile [url=]Meetra Surik[/url] revealed her back room dealings and underhanded attempts to take control of the [url=]Telosian Restoration Project[/url]. After being forced to leave Telos in the wake of the scandal Jana served as a hostess aboard a number of cruise liners before finally settling on [url=]Grizmallt[/url]. Her son, never feeling at home amongst the mainly human population of the heavily industrialised world, was one of the colonists sent to establish a new world on the recently discovered planet of [url=]Naboo[/url], travelling aboard the [url=][i]Constant[/i][/url]. Contact with the ship, as well as two others travelling with it, was lost soon after its departure from Grizmallt and they were believed to have been lost, however the expedition had successfully reached its destination and managed to quickly establish a thriving colony. While Som's Great Grandfather fully embraced the ways of the Naboo his Grandfather felt pressured by the mostly human colonists on the new world and early in his life began a dedication to the ways of a 'true Mirialan'. Lacking proper guidance in the matter, and relying solely on the scant information fed him from the holonet, the young man formed a highly severe and personally demanding version of the religious practices of her forebearers and eventually left his family home to build a vihara in the ruins of an ancient [url=]Elder[/url] temple on Naboo's southern continent dedicated to his new beliefs. Over the years others seeking a more spiritual way of life joined him and together they built a small community of 'enlightened' people from all races. Born within the Community, the last two generations of Som's family have all been followers of the strict moral and spiritual path laid down by his Grandfather, and while there has at times been friction with the other inhabitants of Naboo mostly their peaceful way of life has gone undisturbed.[/hider] [hider=Medical Assistance - Jedi Master Sela Kythor & Padawan Lea Rahn]Shortly after his failed first attempt at the Jedi Trials Som was transferred to the medical facility on H’Ratth to receive specialist care during his recovery. While only there for a few months, he was treated personally by Jedi Master Sela Kythor, along with his young Padawan [url=]Lea Rahn[/url] and grew to appreciate the older Jedi's professional approach to his duties, as well as Lea's warm and dedicated nature.[/hider] [hider=Fellow Failure - Dossa Do]Six years ago, upon his return from H’Ratth, Som made friends with another Padawan [url=]Dossa Do[/url], a Nautolan trainee who'd also failed her Trials at her first attempt. With her assistance Som was able to face his failure and rise up from it, dedicating himself to fully understanding the mistakes he'd made so that he would pass the Trials on his next attempt. Do introduced Som to a great array of galactic cultures and traditions, including fried swarp rat and NukaCola neither of which he had ever tasted before. Soon after Do managed to pass her own Trials and the two lost contact as she left to take on her new duties as a Jedi Knight, only occasionally messaging other again over the following years.[/hider][/indent] [color=f7941d][b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Flagellant][i][color=fdc68a]Flagellant:[/color][/i] The central tenets of Som's faith have strong ties to the Sith way of thinking, carried down his family line from his Great Great Grandmother's associations with the Sith-allied [url=]Czerka Corporation[/url]. While he would argue that inner strength and harmony are Jedi traits, the harsh physical rituals he has endured through his life have also taught him to harness physical resilience and determination as well.[/hider][/indent] [indent][indent][sub]1 - Source: [url=]Star Wars [i]Force And Destiny[/i] Roleplaying Game Beta Rulebook[/url] BTA007 ISBN 978-1-61661-991-6[/sub][/indent][/indent] [/hider]