[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2d1l85d.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Hooray! That song is finished, thank goodness my voice wasn't at best today thanks to that Sasuke drinks. Cold drinks are bad for singers.[/i] [s]Unless I'm just a wannabe singer and have a bad voice yet claimed to have a good voice![/s] [b][u]-Sentou Uchiha[/u][/b] The song that she sang is finally over, it was a horrible experience for everyone but not as worse as the viral internet shinobi video, [s]Boku no Naruto, it is a viral video of a homoerotic love Sasuke and Naruto, it seems or it could be a genjutsu but who cares.[/s]. Sentou sang like she's a siren from hell, her singing voice destroyed a lot of wine glass and bottled drinks made of glass, it even cracked and destroyed glass tables and the windows. It was a terrifying experience indeed yet Jaakuna was such an avid supporter and a masochist at the same time by supporting Sentou. It wasn't long that Aoi gets her comeback after getting her ear electrifyingly pulled by Sentou a while ago, she throws a bottle of beer right into Sentou's face. Sentou gets agitated by having it in her face as her clothes were wet. She snaps. Her easily irritated state causes a spark coming out of her head as an expression. [color=0072bc]"Aoi."[/color] She strips into her bikini and gave a zapping kick to Aoi's face. [color=0054a6]"What's that for rubber girl? If it's my singing then it is your fault for making me drink all this cold drinks!" [/color] The stripping habit of Sentou is shown! Everytime Sentou gets agitated by someone, she strips into what she is right now. Furthermore the more irritated she is, the more she'll strip more layers of her clothes. It is something she gets called for and get herself at Ninja Detention.