[@Feisty-Pants] The [url=http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm]Mary Sue Litmus Test[/url] is a system used by writers designing new characters to be introduced to a pre-existing narrative universe to gauge how well they'll be able to fit in with existing characters, plots and locations. The higher the rating the more 'broken' and inappropriate the character would be considered to be as part of the ongoing canon. Generally a score of less than 21 points would be acceptable for a character, stretched to a maximum of 29 depending on how rigid the story is to pre-existing canon. Any score over 30 should be avoided at all costs. [b]EDIT:[/b] Having done a quick calculation, Seven Of Nine, from [i]Star Trek: Voyager[/i], received a Mary Sue score of 37. When she was introduced onto the show she became an imbalancing influence not only on the crew but also on future storylines for the remaining series, completely altering the show at a fundamental level. However since this was the intention of the show's production staff, who were trying to boost ratings and bring new life to the show, she actually performed the job for which she was intended.