Here's my CS. Started out normal, then my tendency to world build started creeping in. ._. [hider=CS][b]Appearance:[/b] Pale would be the easiest way to describe Seothrunn. Everything about him, from his incredibly light brown hair, to his alabaster skin, to his blue-grey eyes, is pale. He stands close to 5'9", considered to be of average height for someone from the north-western isles. His hair, windswept and unkempt has been allowed to grow to just before the point of discomfort; the fringe just barely licks at his eyebrows, and if pushed down, would probably cover an eye; the sides are close to covering half his ears and the back his collar. He is of a lean and slender build, his muscles having grown to be wiry rather than bulky. His lips always appear to be slightly upturned in a playful, mischievous grin. (Note: Couldn't really find a picture I liked, and I can't draw to save my life, so I hope a wordy description is alright.) [b]Name:[/b] Seothrunn Fjallthim [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Occupation:[/b] Raider by winter, bonesmith by summer [b]Weaponry:[/b] As befits an experienced raider of the north-western islands, Seothrunn wields a sword carved from the bone of the very first catch of the very first hunt he led. Tough as a regular, steel blade and only a mite less sharp, the bone sword is a hallmark of those who call the north-western isles their home. For defense, he carries a small, wooden shield, just large enough to cover his body from neck to belly. His favoured weapon, however, is a ashwood-bone composite bow, built compact to allow for easy carriage. A quiver of fifteen arrows hangs from a belt around his waist. He also carries a skinning knife, though this is less for battle and more for survival. [b]Apparel:[/b] The north-western islands are poor in metals, and so the people make do with what they have. The bones of marine animals are always in great abundance all year round, and thus it should be no surprise that Seothrunn's armour consists largely of pale, ghostly white pieces of bone stitched onto a leather base. His cuirass is most evident of northmen construction, consisting of mid-sized scales carved from bone stitched together to form a flexible and lightweight piece of armour. His arms are protected by a rerebrace and vambrace each, both constructed out of hard leather and reinforced by strips of iron - the only metal that can be spared - riveted to the outside. He wears padded, shin-high and laced leather boots. The leather portions of his armour are bleached white. Underneath his armour, he wears a pair of simple, woolen pants and a hooded shirt of the material. As per tradition, they are dyed a deep shade of black to complement the pale-white colour of his armour. [b]Equipment:[/b] Seothrunn carries a knapsack containing: - Waterskin, one quart capacity - Dried and salted fish, wrapped in cloth - Whetstone block - Carving knife - Needles and thread - Strips of clean cloth for bandages - Salt for wounds - Bedroll [b]Skills:[/b] Seothrunn is a highly skilled sailor, and can either captain or crew a ship as needed. As a warrior, he is well-versed in the way of the sword-and-shield as well as the bow, though he cannot be considered a master of either. As land wildlife is scarce on the north-western islands, he is unskilled in the art of tracking, but when it comes to fishing and following the trail of undersea life, you can find few who can match Seothrunn's skill. During the summer, he works as a bonesmith, and can fashion any kind of weapon or armour you desire from bone or horn. Perhaps his greatest skill, however, is his skill to survive. He relishes a fight, but he would gladly forsake honour and run from an unwinnable battle to save his own skin. It is not the way of the Bonemen to die against insurmountable odds. The Gods favour heroes and warriors, not the foolhardy. [b]Magical abilities:[/b] The winds have always favoured Seothrunn. While he would call it luck, some would say that it is magic of the worst kind: magic held by the unwitting. Regardless of what is said, the fact of the matter is that Seothrunn has never been without wind in his sails even in places where others had been stranded by the doldrums. [b]Personality:[/b] Affable and always ready to buy a new friend a flagon of ale, Seothrunn's person reflects his homeland. Remote and strange from the outset, but upon approaching him, quickly displays a quirky, unique charm. He speaks little if not spoken to, though for no lack of friendliness, but rather because his command of the southern languages is still not perfect, and he dislikes it when he is made the fool due to a slip of his tongue or whatnot. Having spent the majority of his life in the north-western isles and the seas around them, he has the curiosity of a child when it comes to the new and unknown. [b]Backstory:[/b] Had Seothrunn been born anywhere else, he would have lived the luxurious life of a prince. However, the Bonemen of the north-western isles saw no distinction between commoners and those of noble blood. The isles were a harsh place to live, and they could ill-afford to mindlessly follow a person simply because of their blood. If Seothrunn was to lead his people, he would have to prove himself worthy of the role and title of King of the North-Western Isles. His training started at an early age, with his father drilling him in sword fighting from the tender age of six, when even the small shields favoured by the Bonemen were almost half his height. Over the next decade, he was taught how to fight, how to sail and most importantly, how to lead. By the time he was sixteen, he was already the captain of a small longship, numbering only forty oars but still good enough for hunting marine life and raiding lightly defended coastal hamlets and villages. He was already a well-respected man by that point, but it was still not enough to earn him a sword, and so when he was finally given command of a larger, seventy-oar vessel on his eighteenth year, he wasted no time in hunting down a worthy target. He found one in the form of a naval vessel of some southern kingdom - the politics of the world did not interest Seothrunn - and pounced on it the first chance he got. Despite his longship being almost half the weight of the enemy vessel, Seothrunn attacked with daring, raining arrows from a distance without a warning and taking advantage of the wind to close the distance before the enemy vessel had a chance to even figure out what was going on. Using hooks tied to ropes, Seothrunn's crew pulled the enemy ship close enough for a boarding action. Seothrunn personally led the first charge, and it was only a short time later that the enemy crew surrendered. To further solidify his victory, Seothrunn towed the surrendered vessel all the way back to his home port, much to the astonishment of his family and people. They had expected him to carry out some form of attack, but to capture an entire vessel? That was beyond expectations, and it earned Seothrunn his bonesword. The next few years fell into a comfortable routine. During the summer months, Seothrunn would do his work as a bonesmith, crafting and maintaining weapons for the winter raids, and when winter came, he would sail out to plunder the coastlines for supplies needed by his people to survive. When Seothrunn witnessed the sounding, it had coincided with a troubling time for his people. Ships that went to the far north in such of fertile waters never returned, and those sent to find them vanished as well. These happenings, accompanied by his vision and the noise which apparently only he heard, made for a very uneasy Seothrunn who was determined to find out the cause. Taking leave from his people, he journeyed south on board a small longship in search of answers, and that eventually led him to discover King Ethan's summoning. Wanting answers, as well as an adventure, Seothrunn turned his ship to sail farther south, towards capitol. [b]Other:[/b] N/A[/hider]