[center][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/239/d/8/avatar_elements_wallpaper__with_color__by_pixilpadaloxicopolis-d5cmh60.jpg[/img] [i]Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Not so long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, can stop them. But he is still a child, and has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. Still, I believe that we can -that we must- raise him into someone who will one day save the world.[/i][/center] [center][h2][u][b]Plot[/b][/u][/h2][/center] The main point of divergence in this RP is that the volcano on Avatar Roku's home island didn't erupt until six years after it did in the show. This means that the new Avatar was not Aang, but rather, a child born several years after him. Their identity had only just been discovered when Sozin's Comet appeared. An air monk (or nun) was able to escape with the child. (S)he resolved to protect the Avatar until they came of age to defeat the Fire Lord, and to find other bending masters to help train them. This RP will be heavily arc-based. I will plan these arcs based on input from you, the players, and on the actions of characters IC. [center][h2][u][b]Expectations[/b][/u][/h2][/center] I will not make any hard rules because, well, we're all adults and in the advanced section. I'm sure we're all familiar with the basics. However, these are a few expectations I have for both you and myself. Firstly, please be an active, participating member of this roleplay. If I ask a general question of everybody, particularly regarding the plot, please respond. I don't expect a post every day, and I won't put a minimum frequency requirement, just please don't hold up the RP. If you have a problem with something me or another player is doing, politely bring it up. Especially do so if the problem is with me; if you think that something I'm doing is godmodding or not fair, it is almost certainly not intentional, and I'd appreciate you calling me out on it at once. Going along with that, please also be open to criticism from your fellow roleplayers and myself. We're all just trying to make the best roleplay possible, and so if I ask you to tweak your character or something when you're applying, please don't take it as something malicious. That said, any sort of rudeness will not be tolerated. This is supposed to be fun, not stressful. Finally, on the topic of length; I will not be setting any hard minimums. However, please use your good judgement. This [i]is[/i] advanced, and so just a couple of short paragraphs for something like an introduction just won't work. However, for interaction heavy-scenes, I know it's hard to write a post with a few good sized paragraphs when your character is in the middle of dialogue. Therefore, I [b]strongly encourage[/b] making use of collaborative posts for conversations, any fights between player characters, and stuff like that. That way you can hammer out a dialogue in no more than a few hours, instead of taking days or weeks doing it with individual posts IC. I will also expect us to follow a general posting order, unless there is a good reason to skip someone, so collaborative posts are also good at keeping in the posting order. [center][h2][b][u]Characters[/u][/b][/h2][/center] [h3]Roles[/h3] Water Master: [i]Malik[/i], Played by [i]Nevermind[/i] Earth Master: [i]Name[/i], Played by [i]Username[/i] Fire Master: [i]Jin Zoulu[/i], Played by [i]Tomahawk[/i] Air Master: [i]Name[/i], Played by [i]Username[/i] Nonbending/Weapons Master: [i]Kala Hishen[/i], Played by [i]Pietra[/i] [h3]Applying[/h3] As I mentioned in the interest check, this will not be first come, first serve. If you would like to join, please submit an in character post that demonstrates your character's personality, and something of their history and skill set. I would also like to know their age -I will almost certainly not be accepting characters younger than twenty- and appearance -you can use a picture, but it must be accompanied by a description- as well. I won't be asking for their entire life story, but if there is something important in their history that you don't want to share with your application post, please run it by me via PM. I'll be mighty peeved if I accept your character and learn halfway through that they're the long-lost Northern Water Tribe princess or something. Though it doesn't need to come up in your application post, please be thinking of a way your character will be joining the group. For the airbending master, it's obvious, and I had an idea that maybe the firebending master could be a soldier who defected during the attack on the air temple, but other than that, I've got nothing. The first arc will be recruiting/character introductions, so it's okay if their first encounter with the group takes a while. Finally, all characters should be a master, or pretty close to it, of their element. That said, they should still have weaknesses. I want to see well-rounded characters. Besides, where's the point to this RP if our characters could just march up to Sozin and take him out themselves? Also, just so you know; I will have higher standards for the air monk/nun than others, since it is the role I was originally going to take for myself. I ended up deciding that I would like to leave it open, in case somebody had a concept I liked better than my own for the character. Just keep that in mind. Also know that, because they are a monk/nun, I expect the character to be at least relatively pacifistic in nature. That's all there is, then! If you've got any questions/comments/concerns, or would like to run a character concept by me before making an application post, please do so! PS: Credit to 71342 for the title.